What's the most important thing to consider when making a demo video?

Simona O'Neill
4 replies
If you're launching a new product, you are more than likely going to have a promotional video. It has to be engaging, intriguing and concise. Here are the main characteristics of a good demo/promo video: 1. Duration : 1-1.5min 2. Script : considers the audience; explains the main purpose of your product; is entertaining; has a clear call-to-action. 3. Storytelling: makes people feel something. Presents your brand in a creative and engaging way, so it's memorable and motivating enough to take action. 4. Visuals : Shows your product or service in use or solving a problem commonly faced by your audience. Has some text that complements and reiterates what's being said by the narrator. 5. Delivery : the energy, background music and the tone has to complement the content and be appropriate for your audience. What's your view on this? Have I missed something?


i agree with your items and i guess being simple and straight with your message is also very important
Simona O'Neill
@mehmet_yitmen1 Absolutely, getting the messaging right is crucial. It has to be intriguing enough for people to keep watching the video , but by the end of it it has to be clear enough what it's about.
Rihab Zaidi
Yes to all points, especially point 5 which can be crucial to making or breaking the video - sometimes doing so much ruin the entire video even if you have good script etc so keeping it simple is always the way