What's the free solution to having a custom email domains for side projects (instead of gmail)?

Bernat Fortet Unanue
7 replies
So instead of having to do myproject@gmail.com Be able to do hello@myproject.com Google workspace is at least $6/mo which feels like too much if I have a few side projects.


Jonathan Monroe
One popular free solution for having a custom email domain for side projects is to use "Zoho Mail." Zoho Mail offers free email hosting for up to five users with a custom domain
Ashna khan
GODADDY you can find a free custom email domain there after purchasing an actual domain. Thank me later πŸ’ƒ
I'd highly recommend Skiff (https://skiff.com/), they have a very generous plan that is free forever.
Jofra G
Zoho Mail provides a free solution for custom email domains for side projects, allowing you to use addresses like hello@myproject.com.
Priyash Patil
If you don't want additional mailbox. Try Cloudflare email routing. Basically you'll route all emails incoming at hello@example.com to your gmail id. Then you can continue the conversation with just clicking reply all. Though not good in perspective of branding but best option for getting started.
Bernat Fortet Unanue
Thank you so much for the answers πŸ™