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  • What’s the first thing you do when you start your workday?

    Nayab ishfaq
    36 replies


    Shelli Dickinson
    I start my working day with a beautiful breakfast
    Maximo Hartliness
    First i check my mobile then get ready for my office.
    Ben D
    I always kick off my workday with a cup of coffee and a quick glance at my to-do list to get organized.
    Nikolay Taskov
    1. Wake up at 5 a.m. 2. Drink a glass of water and check my email. 3. Do 20 minutes of exercises. 4. Prepare a smoothie. 5. Start working around 6:30 a.m. Since the world is so dynamic, if I can't follow my routine exactly as planned, I make sure to at least prepare my smoothie, as it gives me more energy to handle a heavy workload.
    Aurther Bella
    My day start with a quick meditation or deep breathing. Clears my mind before diving into the workload.
    Arthur Miller
    First thing I do is grab my coffee and review my calendar. Helps me mentally prep for the day.
    Amy G. Debnam
    I usually start my workday by checking my emails and catching up on any urgent messages. Gotta get those priorities straight!
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Check the mails
    Henn Runnel
    Just like your typical human, I make my opening move after the caffeine intake. Then, I like to use that fresh outlook you only get in the morning to the fullest. Top priority: a brief to-do list, where the most challenging task ahead comes at no.1. Once you get the most difficult part out of the way, everything else seems effortless.
    Andreea S.
    First thing in the morning, I check my schedule and review my to-do list. This helps me get organized and prioritize tasks for the day, ensuring I stay on track and focused from the start.
    Nifal Adam
    I like to take a few minutes to relax and enjoy my tea before I start working. While I'm drinking my tea, I scroll through my list of activities for the day.
    Nathan Covey
    I write for two hours!
    Rohit Kumar
    I wake up and check my emails then grab my black coffee
    Kartar Gurjar
    I check my phone then go on morning walk
    Gianuario Lupia
    I like to begin my day by setting my intentions and jotting down my top three tasks. Keeps me focused!
    Andrew C.
    i pray... you ?
    Larry Kim
    I always start my day with a strong cup of coffee and a quick review of my to-do list. Helps me get focused!
    lily gordy
    I like to start my day by clearing my desk and organizing my workspace. A tidy space helps me think more clearly!
    Andrew Schmidt
    First thing I do is check my emails and messages to make sure I'm not missing anything urgent. It helps me plan my day better.
    Ashley Gnegy
    I start my day with a strong cup of coffee