What's the biggest struggle while using a design system and UI/UX kit to design a website on Figma?

Vertika Nigam
8 replies
A design system is supposed to make your design process easier. And not just designing beautiful websites, it should help you design websites that actually have an impact on the business. So, what is it that you look for in a design system that would make your process simpler, more impactful and efficient?


Gene Nemirovsky
For me, the most time-consuming part is to clean up a design system provided by the client, instead of creating it from scratch. In a design system, I look for consistency in components, ease of updates, and how well it integrates with other tools. This not only simplifies the workflow but also ensures that the websites we design can scale effectively and maintain their impact.
@gene_nemirovsky Great insights, and I feel you for this. There's mostly millions of extra items in a general design system that a designer has to deal with. Either designers fight with that, or go through the detailed process from scratch on their own for each and every project. Some super popular design systems have components with multiple versions that don't make sense. Thank you for highlighting these issues. I am almost done with the design system that will be launched soon. These are important points that we have struggled ourselves, and don't worry, I'm taking these as inputs from you to solve them forever. Cheers! What else do you suggest?
Gene Nemirovsky
@vertikanigam I would suggest looking into Tokens and how they integrate with the design system.
gill richardson
While design systems provide a starting point, tailoring components and styles to fit the specific needs and branding of a project can be time-consuming and require a deep understanding of Figma's features and capabilities. Using services of UI/UX design for SaaS in San Francisco https://dworkz.com/ might be a great idea in this case.
@gill_richardson - Agree! It is generally time-consuming and one needs to be an expert Figma designer. So, the way my design system, cxful (soon to be launched), is built, it actually solves for these. Making it simple and efficient so that even a Figma beginner can create impactful and stunning websites. And thanks for highlighting these issues, they actually make new Figma users spend a lot of time in things they don't need at that moment.
alex Ivanovski
As design systems evolve and updates are made, keeping track of changes and ensuring consistency across different versions of the design can be challenging, particularly in collaborative settings where multiple team members are working on the same project.
@alex_ivanovski - Absolutely, that is a 100% manual process as of now based on the capabilities that Figma provides. And manual processes lead to errors. Right? Since I'm in the process of building cxful design system, your comment has started an internal discussion here. And we're brainstorming ways to minimize this issue as much as possible. There must be a way. Do you have any ideas or suggestions that could make it not hurt that much?