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  • What's the best way to use your 20 high-ranking teammates before/during your launch?

    Kirill Grebenjukov
    28 replies
    Assume you have 20 teammates each has 1000+ kitty coins, for example. What is the better way to split them during the launch? Add all of them to your product's team? Or maybe add only part of them to product's team and another ones save to support during the launch? Please share your thoughts and observations?


    Great question! Leveraging a team of high-ranking members during a launch is a power move. I'd suggest strategically allocating some to the product team for a strong launch impact, and keeping a reserve to amplify support during the crucial launch phase.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @istiakahmad thanks for you thoughts! I agree with people in real world, but I'm asking how to allocate them for PH - how many have as makers and how many hide from PH and let them like your product during the launch
    @kgrebenjukov Well, look , in my opinion, either way it will be all about new supports apart from your team. So , so if each team member have a good community presence and fanbase then everyone will be able to get supports for the product. The focus has to be the out audience support. I hope this make sense to you.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @istiakahmad very good mention! You helped me to find this idea - top ranking products collect around 1000 upvotes (with all theirs karma in the bank) so what % of that 1000 (and karma) you can replace with yours people, probably very small. So having top-ranking teammates hidden makes deliverabily less and in return you have their upvotes and karma that are small % of total
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @istiakahmad we can even grab some numbers from prev launches to prove or break our concept
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @istiakahmad thanks for helping me to find some framework
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    My understanding is pretty limited and I don’t have any own experience, so welcome any advice. What I understand are

 * Probably no one outside PH team knows what impact of the product’s team members to product’s start ranking. But maybe there is some observations?
 * Each high-ranked account has followers and etch of them will receive notifications about your launch
 * Big product’s team especially with high-rank on your product’s launch page looks solid and may impact trust. Anything else?
    Max Kotin
    I have no idea - but I'll gladly read what others think :)
    Interesting question. I'll also listen to the answers
    from what i hear - for the whole 24 hours always have someone "on" from your team - reply to every since comment on PH and all social medias - use their social network to get people to hit the "notify me" in the coming weeks
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @entreeden yes, that's what I heard to. Thanks!
    Lakshya Singh
    I have experienced that PH reduces your reach during launch. And all of our team members experienced it. If we assume that they do it by team, I don't think it's best strategy to add all of them as makers. And if you don't, you might lose some audience. Either way, I think the best strategy is to save some people to get active in the community during the launch. Also, if you really have a 20-member team, divide them in shifts so everyone can rest.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @lakshya_singh thanks for sharing. Please tell more about reducing your and teammates reach during the launch
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @lakshya_singh I don’t have 20, but I’m actively thinking if it worth to invest in having those
    Lakshya Singh
    @kgrebenjukov I think it's worth it if you are hiring people who know about tech, marketing, and product hunt, so they can contribute in the community discussion and help other people. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense to hire people only for having a large team.
    @lakshya_singh good insight. Thanks for sharing
    Andrew Noah
    Your high-ranking teammates bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Engage them in brainstorming sessions to tap into their insights and perspectives on various aspects of your launch strategy. Seek their advice on marketing, product positioning, customer acquisition, and other critical areas.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @andrew_noah Yeah, agree! Everyone should do whatever he is better on
    Johannes Kraus
    I think it's amazing if you have 20 team mates high ranked :-D
    Tyler Loyd
    Sure, here's a super brief summary: Before Launch: Plan, refine, and test. During Launch: Communicate, market, and handle issues. Post-Launch: Review, learn, engage.
    Mahar Shahzaib
    Leveraging a team of high-ranking and influential individuals can be a powerful strategy during a product launch. Here's a guide on how to effectively utilize their strengths: Before the Launch: Create Buzz: Task your high-ranking teammates with creating excitement and anticipation around the launch. They can share teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and countdowns on their social media platforms. Teaser Campaigns: Collaborate with your team to release teaser content, such as short videos or intriguing messages, to build interest and curiosity among your audience. Engage their Networks: Encourage your teammates to leverage their networks and connections. Personal recommendations and endorsements from respected individuals can significantly boost credibility. Early Access or Pre-launch Offers: Provide your high-ranking teammates with early access or special pre-launch offers to share with their followers. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages early adoption. Content Creation: Collaborate on creating content. This could include blog posts, articles, podcasts, or videos where your teammates share their perspectives on the product, its benefits, and why they are excited about it. During the Launch: Live Events or Webinars: Host live events or webinars where your high-ranking teammates actively participate. They can answer questions, share their experiences, and provide valuable insights during the launch. Social Media Takeovers: Allow your teammates to take over your company's social media accounts for a day or specific event. This can bring a personal touch and allow their followers to engage directly with your brand. Influencer Collaborations: If applicable, collaborate with influencers in your team to expand your reach. They can connect with influencers in their niche to further amplify your message. Provide Exclusive Updates: Keep your high-ranking teammates informed about the launch progress and provide them with exclusive updates. This ensures that they are well-prepared to address questions or concerns from their followers. Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on social media and other channels during the launch. If there are any issues or concerns raised by the audience, ensure that your high-ranking teammates are aware and can address them promptly. Remember, communication and collaboration are key. Maintain open lines of communication with your team, provide them with the resources they need, and express gratitude for their support. Additionally, ensure that your product or service lives up to the expectations set during the launch, as this will contribute to long-term success.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @shahzaibmahar22 thanks a lot! I’ll save it to my launch checklist
    Poul merry
    Harness their expertise and experience: Your high-ranking teammates possess a wealth of knowledge and experience gained through their previous endeavors. Engage them in brainstorming sessions to tap into their insights and perspectives on various aspects of your launch strategy. Seek their advice on marketing, product positioning, customer acquisition, and other critical areas.
    Sunil Ayar
    Delegate tasks that align with their strengths: Divide the launch responsibilities among your teammates, assigning tasks that match their skills and expertise. This ensures they contribute meaningfully to the launch efforts. For instance, a teammate with strong marketing expertise can handle social media campaigns or content creation, while someone with technical skills can assist with website development or bug fixing.
    Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
    Your high-ranking teammates possess a wealth of knowledge and experience gained through their previous endeavors. Engage them in brainstorming sessions to tap into their insights and perspectives on various aspects of your launch strategy. Seek their advice on marketing, product positioning, customer acquisition, and other critical areas.
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    @jasparcj why the same comments appears from different users? Is it PH bug?
    Thomas Yanik
    It's crucial to strategically allocate resources during the launch. While having a dedicated product team is essential, considering the scale, it might be beneficial to divide the 20 teammates between the product and support teams. This way, you ensure a strong foundation for the product's development while also having a robust support system in place for a successful launch. The key is to strike a balance that aligns with the project's requirements and ensures effective management of resources.