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  • What's the best way to get feedback from users during a beta launch?

    Devyani Gupta
    15 replies
    If you rely on just weekly user calls, users may not remember a lot of things that they experienced in the product during that week. If you rely just on asynchronous feedback, users may not submit it I've heard there are some tools now to help with this like Canny Wanted to know what you guys have tried that's worked best?


    I'm also interested in the answers since we'll launch our first beta App in 1 week. For now, we plan to capture feedback via - In-App activities - random capture of user feelings on their last action - discussion on our Discord server - a survey with open questions such as: what are the 20% you would cut / what features give confusion, what is the best feature... Haven't found any automatic tool to optimize this process yet Btw, our App called Zen.me (zen-me.io), a Gamified Social App that uses AI and Web3 to give a personalized, fun & accessible way to anyone to improve their Mental Wellbeing
    Shayan Norizadeh
    @ceo_zenme @dev_gupta3 Ive heard that Mixpanel is a great analytics tool.
    Devyani Gupta
    @ceo_zenme Thanks so much Henry! Super helpful. Few questions I have: 1. Which analytics platform are you using to capture in-app activity? 2. How are you randomly capturing user feelings of their last action? 3. For the surveys, are these in-app or weekly / biweekly through email / Discord? Few thoughts I have that may help as well! 1. I think doing synchronous qualitative user calls might help get you to the WHY of a lot of these things! And users will tell you much more than they're willing to type in public on Discord 2. For your Discord server discussion group, I've heard it can be helpful to have rewards for 'best beta tester of the week / month' (those that give the most feedback) - and the prizes should be something really personalized. So get to know your users well (what topics they're interested in, what their hobbies are) and you can give more meaningful and personalized prizes based on that 3. See if apps like Canny.io may help to automate these? Heard some people using them
    @dev_gupta3 @shayan_norz Thanks, will take a look,
    Aruna Chawla (she/her)
    We've been using Notion to record our brainstorming but it's super time-consuming. Looking forward to seeing solutions.
    notion but agree it's time-consuming. would love for something users could submit feedback to directly.
    Michal Jackowski
    besides direct feedback i think it's great to use @logrocketjs , watch the recordings and see where your users drop off/stumble
    Thanks, Devyani, - Firebase for analytics for now - For the random capture of feelings, just a pop-up with 5 emoticons for users to rate their past experiences. We launch the pop-up from our admin backend with some pre-defined rules such as "trigger feedback capture for all users who have just finished a meditation session"... With this, we could control the frequency and focus our attention on one particular feature - I plan to survey after 1 week (our first beta lasts only 10 days), but after reading your comment I'm considering it right now. Launch the survey on Discord. And Yes, the rewards for the first beta testers (only 100) are massive with NFT and tokens. We calculate the ranking ourselves based on their in-app activities and community participation - I'll request a Canny.io demo, thanks for the tip
    Philipp Schwengel
    One thing that really helped us was adding the beta users as guests to our slack channel. This enabled them to drop (even small) feedback whenever it came to their mind. Also asking for quick feedback on new designs was much easier than doing it over email or waiting for the next weekly call.
    Mounir Nejjai
    During beta launch you should focus on collecting feedback and I think the best way is to create an email series (3 to 5 emails) to request short feedbacks on specific topics... Like : Rate our interface ! and 5 stars...
    Shayan Norizadeh
    Personally for me its been engaging with the user, thanking them for being apart of the journey and asking if theirs any feedback they'd like to give, may be time consuming but its relationship building and you get the feedback you want
    Mayank Jain
    Taking user feedback seriously is essential when launching a new product or service. By providing users with the opportunity to provide feedback during your beta launch, you can improve the quality of your product and ultimately increase customer satisfaction. There are several ways to allow users to provide feedback during a beta launch. 1. Keep track of user feedback on your product's designs and features using customer surveys or questionnaires. You can embed it in the right places inside the product. Allow users to rate products and services on a scale from 1-5 2. Put up posters or flyers around your area promoting the beta launch event so that as many people as possible can attend and provide valuable feedback right when the beta is live. 3. Record user feedback in a dedicated blog or forum where customers can post their thoughts and observations about your product. 4. Have a live chat session set up where users can ask questions about your product and provide feedback in real-time. 5. Email all users who have registered for the beta launch to offer them the opportunity to give feedback by filling out a brief survey at some point during beta testing. Ultimately, you must design your beta testing process in such a way that provides as many opportunities as possible for users to feel like they're partaking in something meaningful and/or useful.
    Jasper Ruijs
    I have never done a BETA, but I would probably use: Hotjar to perceive the heat maps and record their interactions. If I weren't satisfied, I would use UsabilityHub to gain quality insight. I would use Amplitude to see the product analytics if we had a high churn rate. https://www.amplitude.com/ https://www.hotjar.com/ https://usabilityhub.com/
    can you try my Feedback widget for free? Easy to install and even easier to remove it :-)
    Damon Chen
    A great way to get feedback during a beta launch is by using surveys. After filling out the survey you can ask about leaving a testimonial :) Our platform, Testimonial.to makes it easy for you to do just that!