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  • What's the best productivity hack you've ever tried? I’m sharing some of the best hacks you can try

    Amit Arora
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    📍Gretzky’s Razor:- Ever wondered what opportunities you might be missing out on? Gretzky’s Razor encourages you to take risks when there's no real downside. If you decide to publish your work online - The worst-case scenario is that no one sees it. - The best case? It could spark a whole new career! By putting yourself out there, you increase your ‘luck surface area’—the more you expose yourself to potential opportunities, the greater your chances of success. 📍Bias Towards Action Feeling stuck on a new project? Adopt a ‘bias towards action.’ Here’s a useful heuristic from productivity guru Ali Abdaal: - Get going - Get good - Get smart The key is to start, even if you don’t know everything yet. You’ll learn and improve through experience. If you’re hesitating, just dive in and get started! 📍 The Compounding Effect Do you try to do too much, too fast? Instead, aim for small, consistent improvements. If you get just 1% better every day, by the end of the year, you'll be more than 37 times better than when you started. This is the power of compounding gains. Rather than relying on bursts of motivation, dedicate a small amount of time each day to incremental progress. 📍 Parkinson’s Law Ever noticed how work tends to fill the time available for its completion? This is Parkinson’s Law in action. Here’s how to leverage it: Short deadlines → quicker work Long deadlines → slower work Effort levels often depend on external pressure. Use looming deadlines to your advantage by breaking tasks into sub-tasks and setting mini-deadlines. This ensures you stay on track and get important work done efficiently.
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