What's that skill you have always wanted to learn but haven't yet?

Priyanka Saini
11 replies


Tammy Martin
One skill I've longed to master is playing the piano. The elegance of creating beautiful melodies has always fascinated me. Although I haven't pursued it yet, the idea of immersing myself in the music is enticing. Perhaps one day, amidst the vibrant culture of Nashville, TN, I'll indulge in piano lessons and, who knows, maybe even offer a piano moving service nashville tn, to connect more deeply with the city's musical heritage.
Priyanka Saini
I wanted to learn Guitar or learn any instrument related to music. Also i wanted to learn Spanish language. I have no idea, but i love Spanish language tone. so these two skills i wanted to learn. what about others :D
Salar Davari
Playing piano. Never really tried hard though.
Possibly the skill of falling asleep in 5 mins? ))insomnia hahaa
Daniel Zaitzow
I've been thinking about learning how to code - Optimally like a FE / Java / Node.js/React Js stuff. Not quite sure where to even start.
Demetre Mildiani
Definetly a Backflip, anyone in here know how to?