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  • What's that one thing you're never bored of doing?

    Shiva Tejasvi
    30 replies


    Saturnina Brigante
    Reading books is something I always enjoy. No matter how many I read, there’s always another great story to dive into.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @saturnina_brigante Absolutely! There’s something magical about getting lost in a good book😊 . Do you have a favorite genre or a recent read that you couldn’t put down?
    Julia Watson
    I can never get bored of exploring new music. There's always a new artist or genre to discover.
    Noora Mccluskey
    Cooking new recipes is my go to. It’s a fun way to experiment and create something delicious!
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @noora_mccluskey That sounds amazing🤤 ! What’s the most exciting dish you’ve tried recently?
    Christian Onochie
    I love exploring new hiking trails. The adventure and fresh air never get old.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @christian_onochie That sounds amazing! There's nothing quite like the thrill of discovering new trails and breathing in the crisp, fresh air.
    Aduma Emmanuel
    I enjoy playing video games. There’s always a new challenge or game to keep things interesting.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @aduma_emmanuel Absolutely agree! Video games are a great way to dive into different worlds, take on new challenges, and keep things fresh What game are you hooked on right now?
    Delphia Phy
    I could spend hours playing video games. It’s a great way to unwind and challenge myself, plus there’s always a new game or level to pursue.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @delphia_phy Completely agree, There's something so satisfying about getting lost in a game, especially when it offers that perfect mix of relaxation and challenge. What game are currently striking?
    Reading something I can never bored of.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @lucill_e I completely agree! Reading is one of those timeless activities that never gets old, Which genre do you most enjoy reading?
    Vanessa truman
    I'm never bored of taking long walks.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @vanessa_truman I completely agree! There’s something incredibly soothing about going for long walks. I enjoy listening to music while I walk, how about you?
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @alexander_kovalov Winning is such a powerful motivator and a great feeling! Do you have a recent win you’re especially proud of, or are you aiming for a new goal?
    Muhammad Daffa Shiddiq
    Planning a business never gets old for me, it's always exciting!
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @muh_daffa That’s awesome!It’s great that you find so much excitement in it! What kind of business are you currently brainstorming?
    A Momin
    Sleeping during the day and being awake during the night. I'm a night owl.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @a_momin Being a night owl can be pretty interesting! Do you find that you’re more focused or creative during those late hours?
    Fifi Aviah
    holidayy is number one😍
    I am committed to discovering more hiking routes around the world. Beautiful scenery is always on the road.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @wennieyue That sounds like an incredible adventure! Do you have any specific destinations in mind for your next hiking adventure?
    The Meili Snow Mountain in Georgia is next destination!
    Samuel David Foster
    For me it's going for walks outside! Always something interesting to see and it helps clear my mind. Plus I can keep doing it forever which is a bonus.
    Isabella Claire Anderson
    Haha yeah for sure, eating delicious food and getting a good night's sleep are solid picks. I never get tired of a nice meal followed by a restful snooze. The simple pleasures in life :)