What's one thing that you're trying to get better at this year?

64 replies
We are all trying our best but what's the one thing you are trying the hardest to get better at this year, it could be professional or personal like a hobby or even a behavioural trait.


Christopher Daniel
I am trying to make this url shortener better https://url.cafe
Szczepan Serwatka
I put on my shortlist on thing - dedicated time to listen podcasts or audiobooks. I am trying to have time on it each day. @yeshaswini
Aaron O'Leary
Researching topics, want to develop a workflow for proper research so that I can explain complex topics
@aaronoleary It's interesting you said that because I recently saw a ted talk on how mind mapping ideas and information helps retaining it and sharing it with clarity. Do share a few tips on how you're improving on your research skills, I'm sure people around here would benefit a lot from it :D
Preston Coltharp
I want to get really good at cooking
@preston_coltharp That's amazing! What are you cooking today?
Mayank Gupta
My health. I have come a long way in these past 6 months, but I have promised myself to be at my physical best by end of this year.
@mayank_gupta11 Brilliant. I am so happy to see this as a response!
Varsha Anil
Be more kind and forgiving to myself
Raghav Goyal
Being more organized.
Nick Naumov
I'm also working on my health, but for me this is not only about sports, etc. The thing that I'm really focused at this year is my mental health - I've gone through a long way of psychotherapy and now I see how important it is to take care of yourself
Benoit Chambon
Acquire strong B2B skills. I'm a PhD in law, so business is not my original subject ;)
@benoit_chambon This is so interesting! May I ask why you need those skills?
Rhythm Bhatnagar
Setting goals and sticking/revising them consistently no matter what
Anto Mariantisna
Photography & Videography! Just got interested, currently looking for an entry-level mirrorless camera.
@mariantisna That's amazing! Share your work here, maybe?
Thomas Schoffelen
Letting go. As the companies I'm involved with grow, it's sometimes difficult to give up control over certain parts of the business. This year, I'm trying to focus on the areas where I can provide the most value, and fully trusting my colleagues to deliver the best work possible in any other areas.
@tschoffelen You have a daunting task at hand. Letting go is so difficult in any situation - personal or professional. All the very best!
Tanoy Chowdhury
I'm trying to be more active on Social media to boost some personal branding. Let's see, how far do I go. :D
Christine McClain
I am trying to get better at playing Chess. During this pandemic, I started playing Chess, and I love how there are countless possibilities in one move.
Raitis Velps
Read more. Self reflection. Personal growth. Keeping at healthy state.
Doug Lietz
Consuming personal and business growth books every day as part of my morning routine... followed by focused writing sessions specific to the topics I am learning about.
@doug_lietz that's a great. I am also working on articulating my thoughts better and also everything that I read
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Aleks Bochkov
Personal schedule :) It is quite messy :)
Steven Hankins
The one thing that I keep trying to get better is my health. My wellness is my top priority right now as we are currently in a pandemic. We should always take vitamins and eat healthy foods regularly.
@stevenhankins19 Been taking vitamin d, omega3, iron, vitamin b, l-carnitine, and probiotics. Honestly, probiotics and l-carnitine have been life changing!
Taming my anxiety