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  • What’s one habit that has helped you succeed in business?

    Casper Brix
    37 replies
    If you had to choose just one thing 👀


    Tina Kim
    One habit that’s really helped me succeed is setting clear goals every day.
    One habit that has significantly contributed to success in business is the practice of consistent goal setting and review. By setting clear, measurable goals, I can maintain focus and direction. Regularly reviewing these goals allows for adjustments based on progress and changing circumstances, ensuring that efforts remain aligned with overall business objectives. This habit fosters accountability, encourages proactive problem-solving, and ultimately drives sustained growth and success.
    Nitesh Jamod
    Maintain daily To-Do list
    Casper Brix
    @nitesh_jamod how do you do it exactly?
    Adriadna Mascioli
    I try to connect with others in my field and build relationships, which often leads to new opportunities and insights.
    Elijah William
    I make it a point to stay organized and prioritize tasks each day. It helps me manage my time effectively and stay productive.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Being consistent. :)
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Being ruthlessly consistent and not giving a f*ck.
    Vimal Kumar
    Understanding of the Product, Market, and Continuity of efforts.
    Kat Pim
    Consistency has been key for me.sticking to my routine nd deadlines helps maintain momentum nd drive success
    Parker Oliver
    Networking regularly has been crucial building nd nurturing professional relationship opens doors nd create new opportunities
    Nathan Luke
    Setting clear goals and tracking progress keeps me focused and motivated. It’s amazing how much more productive I am with a defined target.
    I proioritize staying organized with task management tools. It ensures I’m on top of deadlines and can manage my workload effectively.
    Sulemna Ola
    Maintaining a work-life balance is crucial for me. It helps me stay motivated and prevents burnout.
    One habit that’s really helped me is setting aside time every morning for deep work. It helps me tackle the most important tasks without distractions right at the start of the day.
    Draco Dawson
    I think consistent networking has opened up valuable opportunities and insights.
    lauren micheal
    I make it a habit to reflect on my day each evening, noting what went well and what could be improved. This simple practice helps me continuously refine my approach and stay on track.
    Maryam Ibrahim
    I will share my happiness with my friends
    Jenifer Lamberto
    I bring a soft drink and work hard and when i take sips from the bottle i feel happy
    Johanna John
    I will share my success with my parents
    Puja Kumari
    Prioritizing tasks based on urgency and impact helps me stay organized and ensure I’m working on what really matters.