What’s one goal you’ve set for yourself this year?
Austin Armstrong
7 replies
Benjamin Sloutsky@benjamin_sloutsky
Launch more and focus on one thing.
Make more launches and develop further as a person.
To onboard 30+ mentors on wiseAdvizor.com.
I'm aiming to master the art of multitasking this year - like running algorithms on multiple cores, but with a lot more coffee involved!
Bench 100kg & run a sub 20 min 5k
It's hard to focus on just one goal... For me though it's launch two of my products, get jacked, and finally visit my family!
To become a master at prompt engineering. With AI moving forward, this will become a crucial skill to get tasks done quickly. Writing code syntax will get much easier, the trick lies in giving the correct prompt with all relevant information to improve accuracy.