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  • What's one book or podcast that completely changed your perspective on life?

    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    10 replies


    Sahil Patel
    Almanack of Naval Ravikant
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @naomigarcia! 📚✨ One book that completely changed my perspective on life is 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. It really taught me the importance of living in the present moment and finding joy in the 'now'. 😄 Have you read it or have any favorites of your own? I'd love to hear! 😊
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @abhra_ch Sound like an interesting book! Did it help you with creating your AI Girlfriend? 😅
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @abhra_ch Haha! That's an interesting story there. By the way, we are launching soon too, as you might have noticed! Any support and feedback would be appreciated!
    Tanya Sharath
    A book on mindfulness shifted my focus to living in the present moment.
    Ashik Hameed
    Think Fast, Talk Smart" podcast really helped transform my perspective! It's packed with practical tips on communication and has been a a great resource for how I approach conversations and presentations. Highly recommend it! What's yours? @naomigarcia
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    @ashikhameed Thanks for the recommendation! For me, one of the books which left an impact on me recently has to be Principles by Ray Dalio.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" was like getting a crash course in life navigation from a no-nonsense GPS – recalculating my perspectives with every chapter!