What’s new in Flutter 3.13

Vipra Dutta
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Here are some of the key features and updates in Flutter 3.13: Platform channels improvements: Flutter 3.13 improves the platform channels' performance and usability, allowing communication between Flutter and platform-specific code. iOS 16 support: The release adds early support for features in the new iOS 16, like window scenes such as Multitasking. Android 13 support: Flutter 3.13 brings early support for new Android 13 APIs and features like runtime permission dialogs, language preferences, etc. Texture support improvements: It adds support for configuring textures on iOS and improving the texture cache. Framework Testbed app: A new app that allows testing drive Flutter widgets and APIs in the IDE is added. Embedded Compositor for ARM64: ARM64 platform now supports using Skia GPU compositor for performance benefits. Improved icons for Android: Icon generation process on Android is revamped with improvements like higher resolution and precision. Accessibility features include improved screen reader support on iOS, updated semantics APIs, etc. Updated Dart SDK: Flutter 3.13 is built with Dart 2.17 SDK bringing improvements to core Dart language and libraries. Performance profiling: Tracing widgets adds debuggable widget performance profiling. Stability enhancements: The release focuses on improving framework stability with fixes and quality of life changes. So, in summary, Flutter 3.13 mainly focuses on platform support updates, various framework performance optimizations, and stability enhancements. Please visit us to know more:- https://www.biztechcs.com/hire-f...
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