What’s life like outside of working? Do have hobbies? Pets, play sport, sing, write, etc?

Slim Geransar
22 replies
Share a little about yourself outside of work. Let’s connect more!


Business Marketing with Nika
I love reading books and exercising (yoga, HIIT, weight lifting).
@busmark_w_nika nice, what type of books do you like most? I’ve also started to get into yoga for flexibility! Love HIIT.
Vivek Sharma
I love to play guitar!
@vivek_equp awesome! I tried but it was so hard! Couldn’t hold chords well enough.
Dmytro Semyrian
Sports are a must, 10,000 steps every day on the treadmill and in the park. Family, just talking to my youngest son. A weekend trip to the country house. Vacation with family and friends in new places with beautiful nature.
@dmytrosem sounds like you have a great life! Good balance and great experiences!!
Simona O'Neill
All of the above plus my kids (11, 13, 19) 😊.Whenever I’m free to do what I want , I love writing songs on my piano or guitar. I also play tennis and run regularly. We’ve two dogs (golden retriever and a cocker spaniel ), so our house is certainly never boring ☺️
@simona_o_neill3 haha! Good for you! Sounds like an a exciting life! You’re like a Jack of all trades!
Simona O'Neill
@slimmy82 no kidding 😆. I’m more like a Jill with many bills to pay 😂
Peter Puhov
I am learning to play the electric guitar. Running my own startup doesn't feel like work; it's a pleasure. I love what I'm doing, except for the marketing and promotions part. :)
@rulik_tech love that you’re so passionate about building! Outsource the marketing :)
Mansi Trivedi
Ou, I love animals, specially dogs, but never got to keep pets cause my mom's super scared of them. I LOVE reading and write at times. Also I like singing, I'm pretty sure others dont but whatever! XD
@mansi_trivedi1 That’s awesome! Singing is hard. When I sing birds fall from the sky sadly. Lol
Tammy Martin
Outside of work, my life is a vibrant tapestry of diverse interests and activities. I find solace and joy in various hobbies that allow me to express myself and unwind. Whether it's playing sports to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle, engaging in the creative process of writing to stimulate my imagination, or singing to release pent-up emotions, each pursuit adds a unique dimension to my life. Additionally, I share my living space with delightful pets that bring warmth and companionship, adding an extra layer of fulfillment. These activities not only serve as a counterbalance to the demands of work but also contribute to a well-rounded and fulfilling lifestyle that enhances my overall well-being.
Abbas Ali
Outside of work, my life revolves around a variety of enriching hobbies that enhance my well-being. Playing sports keeps me active and contributes to a healthy lifestyle while writing stimulates my imagination and allows for creative expression. Singing provides an emotional outlet. Moreover, my delightful pets, including a Piebald Dachshund, add warmth and companionship to my home, enriching my daily life. These activities not only balance the rigors of work but also foster a fulfilling lifestyle. https://petfulponderings.com/pie...
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Jonian Noxha
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Hamster Guides
Outside work, I enjoy caring for my pet hamster, watching it scurry in its wheel. It brings joy and relaxation. My site link: https://hamsterguides.com/
Abbas Ali
For someone curious about life beyond work, here’s an interesting tidbit: owning a Rottweiler Pitbull Mix can add an adventurous twist to your daily routine. These dogs, known for their strength and loyalty, are perfect companions for active individuals who enjoy spending time outdoors, be it hiking, running, or simply exploring nature. They not only provide security but also a unique way to unwind after a busy day. Whether you’re into sports, writing, singing, or other hobbies, having a Rottweiler Pitbull Mix by your side can make your leisure time more fulfilling and exciting. https://petfulponderings.com/rot...