What's been your most profitable social media channel?
Richard Gao
7 replies
Curious to hear where most of your customers come from. For us at https://evoke-app.com/, it's mostly all over the place haha. Though a large chunk come from product hunt
How about you?
Saul Fleischman@osakasaul
Auto-Hashtag API
Twitter. Always has been Twitter for over 12 years. You can include a CTA in an organic (free)
Tweet, something you cannot do without paying Tiktok, Snapchat or Instagram.
PH gets us a big initial splash, but unless you pay - and a lot, actually, since they want it monthly - the PH effect wears off. You'll need to do more for the long-term.
How to advertise on blogs, tiktok, the hottest stuff, share anywhere - in 30 sconds, this explains RiteKit, which we use ourselves, to create and promote in Twitter: https://youtu.be/w0YVh2x0KX8
Got quests, hit us up on our site's chat.
I've been dog fooding my own product and posting on Reddit to great success (I wrote a blog post about my strategy here: https://mentionfunnel.com/blog/h...).
Other than that I've just been building in public and posting on Indie Hackers, which has brought in a lot of visitors as well.
Launching soon!
PH, betalist, betafamily, LinkedIn
It depends on your requirements,
especially demo graphic.
Find the platform where maximum people who fit your target audience's profile use.
Facebook no doubts!
@ervin_crain Nice! How do you get your customers from facebook? Is it organic or do you use paid ads?