What’s an app you discovered this year that you can’t live without now?

Jenny Zhai
31 replies
Keen to check it out 😊


Tess Meskin
I absolutely love Headspace!
Jenny Zhai
@tessmeskin I also just started using Headspace!
Jade Mackenzie
@jenny_zhai good on you Jenny - such a great practice to establish!
Jane Makarevich
@tessmeskin what do you love there? does it help you to deal with smth special?
Jade Mackenzie
@tessmeskin this makes me so happy ☺️
Neri Raanani
Descript for video recording and editing. It blew my mind!
Jenny Zhai
@neri_raanani Agreed, Descript's edit by transcription is an awesome feature!
Philip Snyder
I found an app called "Calm" and it has helped me with stress. It has guided meditations, sleep stories, and relaxing music. I use it every day and I feel so much better.
Jenny Zhai
@philipsnyder Thanks for sharing! How did you choose between all the meditation apps out there?
Jane Makarevich
@philipsnyder so interesting - how you build a habit to use it daily? it's so hard sometimes with mental health apps
Jade Mackenzie
@philipsnyder good find - it's soooo good.
Philip Snyder
@jenny_zhai I didn’t put that much thought into it. Calm was the first result on App Store.
Arzu Özkan
Actually, it's our own product 🤭 I met with it this year and now it's with me every single day! I manage all my digital assets with retable.io and if I lose it I'm lost here 🙃
Jenny Zhai
@arzuozkan Would definitely check it out, thanks!
Llama Life by @threehourcoffee is one amazing product I've been using a lot! Love what they're building :)
Jade Mackenzie
I discovered DePop and now sell items on it regularly as my side hustle - love the circular fashion economy.
Elizabeth Obee
Flipboard. Love it!
Jenny Zhai
@liz_obee ohh I've heard about this one!
Raquel Yesner
Headspace! Great for meditation and learning to unwind :)
Micheal Andeson
Instagram and linkedin by far the most used apps by me.
Jane Makarevich
I'm in love with Endel - their sounds provide me with a great mood for my tasks and yoga. And "Elsa Speaks" - great way for a daily English improvement process
Chetan Natesh
Scribd for reading.
Chuan Tang
The app that I love right now is my personal app of trainer solutions. https://trainer.solutions
Robert Ford
Unsplash as an app that you can use to discover free stock photos from all over the world, I’ve used it dozens of times so far (maybe hundreds).
Khalil abuhassan
Anybox for managing my ever growing"read it later/interesting/try this app" lists. Global quick imports + lookup, auto archiving articles as PDF/screenshot, compatible with Hook, and being able to use it as a launcher for all sorts of URL sequence and macro triggering shenanigans.
I discovered a few features in TMetric that I can't live without now :) The team and personal dashboards and time off module.