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  • What ruins your day? And how can you overcome it?

    There's always any problem you need to solve. (Thank god) ----- As for me, my day is ruined when I wake up late, like after 7 am. 😅 The solution is pretty simple (setting an alarm clock) but is too drastic sometimes. Could anybody come up with any gentle method of waking up? ----- Let's take this discussion as a place where people complain 😀 about some things and you can inspire, and maybe you will come up with a possible product. 🙂


    Lisa Steingold
    I set my alarm with a spotify birds chirping track so that I wake up a little more gently. It does help. And on the days I have to be at gym by 7am I wake up with my favorite dance track to get me going.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @lisa_steingold1 is your dance track available publicly? 😅 Or if you have fave YouTube workouts, please share. I usually exercise like that.
    Syed Arsalan Amin
    Too much sleep. Wake up same time every day, use alarm if needed. Body gets used to waking at that time.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @arslanaut Creating routine is crucial but everything depends on the day. Some days are more difficult than others if I sleep the same amount of time, the gained energy is not equal then.
    I've found that forcing myself to do something active in the morning (like a run, a long walk, a session at the gym, ...) REALLY improves my focus during the rest of the day. Initially, I refused to do it because I kept thinking "I could use this time for work instead, and be more productive", but I then realised it was the actual opposite.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @gabriele_mazzola So for you, it is sport right? :) I think that I am the same because you prepared yourself with something hard :D
    Azra Memisevic
    @gabriele_mazzola I totally get where you're coming from. Starting my day with yoga is my thing, you know? It sets such a great vibe for the whole day, so pure and refreshing. But man, keeping up with it can be tough sometimes. I mean, there's that little voice saying, "Hey, get to work, start ticking off those tasks early!" because, let's face it, I'm all about that morning hustle.
    @azra_memisevic Totally true! Gotta fight those damn voices 💪
    Alexandre Contador
    Videco - AI Personalized Video
    Last-minute task requests that are as simple as breathing 😂
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @alexdigitalmkt yeah, especially on Friday at the end of work day. :D
    Henry Habib
    Nothing and no one can ruin my day, and nothing and no one should. I know it's hard, but I owe it to myself not to be affected by setbacks that can derail my mood 😊
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @henry_habib how are you able to be so balanced? :D
    Henry Habib
    @busmark_w_nika not easy, I always need to remind myself
    Ena Gluhakovic
    Rude people ruin my day. How I overcome it? Well I try to be extra nice and sarcastic to them, and hope they fell ashamed
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @ena_gluhakovic Fan of sarcasm :D Met too :) It is better to surround yourself with people that do not bring you down.
    @busmark_w_nika this is exactly what happened to me today. Woke up 1.5 hours late and was immediately pissed off.
    @busmark_w_nika I want to start my mornings more productively like walk, exercise, I think this way I can set the pace for my day.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mehtab__faiz do you practice any sport now?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mehtab__faiz so when?
    @busmark_w_nika rushy mornings ruin hours of my day.
    @busmark_w_nika badminton, sometimes in the evenings :)
    Artem Konovalov 💎
    The lack of coffee!
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mattisssa are you neurotic without coffee? :D
    Artem Konovalov 💎
    @busmark_w_nika without coffee I wouldn't wake up from bed to write this comment 😁
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mattisssa ahaaaaa okay :D so you are under the very strong coffee. Enjoy! ☕️
    Shemtov Yogi
    Unexpected technical issues ruin my day
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @shemtov_yogi Especially on the launch day :D
    Great topic, Nika! For me, a day can be ruined when unexpected bugs or tech issues pop up right before a deadline. To overcome this, I try to maintain a proactive approach with thorough testing and a strong support system. Also, staying organized with a good project management tool helps a lot. As for waking up, I found that using a smart light that gradually increases brightness works wonders for a gentler wake-up! 😊
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @pdftopdf I like also to be organized. The structure is key for me!
    Milli Sen
    Same... waking up late
    Keith Mc
    Lack of coffee for sure😂
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @keith_kadima_digital How many coffees per day are ideal? :D
    Keith Mc
    @busmark_w_nika Depends on the mood, I have minimum 2 in the morning and then maybe another 1 or 2 throughout the day😉
    Gurkaran Singh
    Waking up late can definitely throw off the day! Have you tried setting up a sunrise simulation alarm clock? It's like having a gentle nudge from nature to start your day right! 🌅 #RiseAndShineTechStyle
    Unproductive meetings ruin my day by wasting time and causing frustration. I ensure every meeting has a clear agenda, defined objectives and only necessary participants. By implementing these hacks ultimately improves my overall day.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @michael_baumgartner Great approach! :) Use your time effectively.
    Walt Wu
    After spending half an hour in the morning planning my day’s work, an important someone told me, “I have a plan, let’s…”
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @walt_wu No way. 🤣 all plans ended up in the bit. :D