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  • What practical and meaningful scenarios do you think the Metaverse has?

    Jason Lee
    47 replies
    There are so many concepts and companies about the Metaverse, but most of them are hype concepts without much practical value. Which scenarios or technologies do you think are meaningful?


    Kevin T.
    Fewer than Second Life, at the moment.
    Karan Soni
    Metaverse can be used for simulation for some real life scenarios which can be potentially harmful for humans to experience for the first time
    Jason Lee
    @ks1072002 Yeah! I agree with this view point! Many people want to experience high-altitude skydiving or racing, but they do not have such conditions and face many risks. VR is indeed a good way to experience
    Ilya Uglianitsa
    @ks1072002 yeah, totally agree. Maybe firefighters trainings or operating with some heavy machinery. Something like that
    Karan Soni
    @ilya_uglianitsa Yess Also think about the miners going to a mine for the first time without any experience or knowledge of how to save themselves when something happens
    Richard Gao
    I think it would be great for in-person-esque virtual meetings and classes. There's a lot of things you can't demonstrate in classes or in-person meetings because the laws of physics limit you. But it's much easier for a professor to show the arrangement of a water molecule or for an executive to show a presentation without physically bringing a computer and connecting to the smartscreen in the metaverse. Additionally, it can also help disabled or sick people experience the world more. For someone who might be immuno compromised and can't leave the house, it would be a great way for them to interact with people. There might be "realistic" servers that pop up that serve this purpose.
    Jason Lee
    @richard_gao2 Feel like entering the world of science fiction movies!
    Anne Broadwin
    I'd say gaming, but as practical not meaningful. Zelda is the most similar to a Metaverse game but in actual Metaverse it'd be so much more engaging and interactive. In terms of being meaningful, if the joy brought by games count then gaming IS meaningful as well
    Jason Lee
    @annebroadwin I have experienced several simple VR games. Its experience is indeed very different from traditional games. In the field of games, the metaverse does have a lot of room for imagination.
    Jareer Samad
    With the amount of resources put into Metaverse by so many companies worldwide, I don't see much practical application of Metaverse. One dangerous consequence of Metaverse especially by data mining companies is trapping an already distracted population in a virtual world that they find difficult getting out of.
    Jason Lee
    @jareer_samad Agree with you, people need to live in the real world!
    Anon Immety
    None. VR (independent of the metaverse), and AR, though, are a different story. VR: * visit remote places without going there. Now people with disabilities or not enough $ can reach places they couldn't reach before. * training (e.g. flight simulation) * gaming * movies and similar entertainment AR: * training and working with your hands (you can work on something and see additional information about it overlaid in your field of vision, like a HUD in a car). From manufacturing to surgery to learning how to drive. * navigation and visiting places IRL, kind of like the narration you can get over headphones in a museum * movies and similar entertainment (watch a movie on a TV and see IMDb information overlaid on your VR glasses)
    Jason Lee
    @anon_immety Great! Your answer is very professional. At present, most of the applications in Metaverse are in the field of VR.
    I will bet on education. Metaverse will provide an immersive, interactive learning environment for students. Like recreating historical scenes or visiting monuments. Learning about different cultures and lifestyles of different regions. Watching animal or plant species in their natural habitat. Building and deploying spaceships together with your buddies in the metaverse. 3d Planetarium. Or virtual meeting place for top students from different schools.
    Jason Lee
    @rach_ana The application in the education industry really benefits the society, not just bringing advertising cash income to the company, I also hope that this will happen soon
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    The only way I see it is gamification or simulating real situations such as work meetings or simulation of surgery (educational purposes).
    Chetan Natesh
    Any endeavour that requires a giving and taking of information, for example - advertising, sales pitches, online courses, journalism etc.
    Jason Lee
    @chetan_natesh Thansk for your reply. I think the internet might be able to do the job as well.
    Chetan Natesh
    @jason_lee_3282 Internet does the job in 2-d format, metaverse will make it happen in 3-d format - it will be a whole new dimension 😜
    Ishan Nangia
    One of the biggest pain points it solves is a certain type of inclusivity. Imagine people with physical disabilities or with other preoccupations/ disabilities finding it easier to interact with other people in the Metaverse without being compromised at all. A bed ridden person can now be a part of multiple meets, online fairs/conferences, sessions with friends, etc.
    Jason Lee
    @ishan_nangia Yes, it is helpful for people with physical disabilities, but they only have a visual experience, no tactile experience, and the effect of this experience will be discounted.
    Ishan Nangia
    @jason_lee_3282 Don't you think providing tactile experience is just a matter of time ? And well be a part of the Metaverse in the future to a huge extent ? Also some form of the full tactile experience might be provided to the users. Not the best example, but what do you think about tactile experience akin to the PS5 haptic feedback on its remotes ?
    Jason Lee
    @ishan_nangia There is indeed such a trend at present, such as vibration feedback, but some deeper experiences are not yet available, such as pain, taste, smell, etc.
    A chance to create a better world we will never see in real life...no matter how hard we try.
    Rajan Walia
    There are a number of scenarios and technologies that I believe have meaningful potential, including virtual reality (VR), augmentedreality (AR), smart cities, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things. VR is likely to be one of the most revolutionary technologies in years due to its ability to immerse people in other worlds. This could be useful for entertainment purposes or for training purposes. AR can help you interact with products or environments as if they were real-life counterparts.Smart Cities will become increasingly important as more and more users demand seamless urban experiences that connect them with their surroundings. Blockchain is currently being used by industries such as food safety and banking, but it has many other potential applications that we haven't even begun to explore yet. AI has the potential to improve numerous aspects of our lives, from driving cars safely on roadsides to managing complex financial transactions flawlessly. The internet of things will enable devices all around usto communicate with each other wirelessly so that everything from home appliances to transportation systems can be managed effectively through an app or computer interface.
    Jason Lee
    @rajanwalia4 These concepts are beautiful, but they are difficult to realize. At present, most VR/AR applications stay at the visual level, with little sensory experience, which requires a lot of technological breakthroughs.
    Hemant Warier
    The concept of the Metaverse is a rapidly evolving and complex area, and there are many different scenarios and technologies that could potentially be meaningful. Some examples of scenarios or technologies that could have practical value in the Metaverse include: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies that allow people to experience and interact with virtual environments in a realistic and intuitive way. Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies that can enable secure and decentralized interactions and transactions in the Metaverse. AI and machine learning technologies that can power intelligent virtual agents and other systems that can help people to navigate and interact with the Metaverse. Social and communication technologies that can facilitate collaboration, networking, and communication among people in the Metaverse. Virtual goods and asset management systems that can enable people to create, buy, sell, and trade virtual assets and experiences in the Metaverse. Overall, there are many different scenarios and technologies that could have practical value in the Metaverse, and it's likely that we'll see a wide range of innovative applications and uses for this emerging technology in the coming years.
    Jason Lee
    @hemantwarier It's also important to note that the Metaverse is not just about technology, but also about the social and cultural implications of a virtual world that is increasingly intertwined with our physical world. The Metaverse has the potential to fundamentally change how we live, work, and interact with each other, and it will be important for society to carefully consider and manage these changes.
    Passthrough Studio
    Checkout Passthrough Windows for mixed reality use case:
    Jason Lee
    @passthrough_studio Wow, Amazing!! This is a great scene. But I think the details could be more detailed, and in this 3D scene, I tend to get dizzy😵‍💫
    Anshaj Goyal
    The Metaverse is a term used to describe a shared virtual space where people can interact and engage with each other and with virtual objects and experiences. Some potential practical and meaningful scenarios for the Metaverse include: Education and training: The Metaverse could be used as a platform for providing interactive and immersive educational experiences. For example, students could visit virtual museums and learn about historical events, or participate in virtual field trips to explore different environments and learn about science and nature. Virtual events and conferences: The Metaverse could be used to host virtual events and conferences, allowing people to attend and participate from anywhere in the world. This could be a more engaging and interactive alternative to traditional online events, with the added benefit of being able to network and connect with other attendees in real time. Remote work and collaboration: The Metaverse could provide a platform for remote teams to collaborate and work together in a virtual environment. This could include virtual meeting spaces, shared workspaces, and tools for real-time communication and collaboration. Virtual tourism and entertainment: The Metaverse could also be used as a platform for virtual tourism and entertainment. For example, people could visit virtual representations of real-world locations, or explore fictional worlds and experiences created by artists and designers. Overall, the Metaverse has the potential to offer a wide range of practical and meaningful scenarios, from education and training to remote work and entertainment.
    Jason Lee
    @anshaj_goyal Very complete answer, there are metaverse influences in these areas, do you have some actual examples?
    Anshaj Goyal
    @jason_lee_3282 One example of a metaverse influence in technology is the development of virtual and augmented reality platforms. These platforms allow users to immerse themselves in virtual environments, and can be used for a wide range of applications, such as gaming, education, and training. Another example of a metaverse influence in entertainment is the rise of virtual concerts and events. With the widespread adoption of virtual reality technology, it is now possible for people to attend concerts and other events in virtual environments, where they can interact with performers and other attendees in real time.
    Leo Cbnns
    IMHO Minecraft, Roblox & VR Chat are the closest thing we have to metaverse
    Healing diseases and saving lives, exploring adventure entertainment, mental stimulation, mock exams
    Jason Lee
    @new_user_27a2dc6e8a Healing diseases and saving lives, Can you describe it in more detail? I still can't figure out how to achieve it
    @jason_lee_3282 1) To check the daily symptoms of the monitored patients, make expert decisions by observing the data or images collected from the terminal equipment through ar. 2) When performing surgery on the body, use AR to monitor and correct to prevent accidents
    Anagha Nair
    Gamer kids would love the metaverse We’ve also created an idea, we'd love for your suggestions, pls upvote if its useful! @probhoomi - Pikidea
    Jason Lee
    @probhoomi @anaghanair Do you have some introductions or websites about your product?