What platform(s) are you most active on?

Florian Vates
8 replies
I feel like twitter has a really great indiehackers community. Anything else I'm missing out on?


Florian Vates
Comment here if you selected "Other" or have any other suggestions in general.
Shajedul Karim
hey there mate, indeed, Twitter is a bustling hub for indie makers. it's the digital coffee shop where ideas brew. besides twitter, here are some platforms with thriving communities: 1. indie hackers - a community where creators share their journey, learnings and network. 2. makerlog - great for logging your daily tasks and bonding over the maker's journey. 3. dev.to - a friendly hub for devs, though it extends beyond just code. 4. discord communities - intimate spaces where like-minded folks gather, some notable ones are wip, maker's kitchen. 5. subreddits like r/sideproject and r/startups - a vast reservoir of insights and camaraderie. 6. clubhouse - spontaneous conversations, fresh perspectives. each platform has its rhythm. find where your tribe resonates, where your thoughts find a fertile ground. happy exploring! - K
Florian Vates
Nice, thanks for the tips man 😁
Relja Denic
Linkedin and Producthunt
Shivangi Awasthi
LinkedIn and Product Hunt