What other platforms do you use for free promotion of your startups?
Alina Salavatova
8 replies
Can you share any free methods you use for promoting startups?

Mertcan Esmergül@sitenley

Prime Indies
i think creating a story around your start-up and then posting this on related subreddits could be helpful for your start-up to go viral. r/Entrepreneur - r/sideproject these are really good ones!
By the way, friendly founders shared a lot of stories about how they tried Reddit and ... failed. Does anyone have a strong experience or cool use cases to share?)
LinkedIn, Quora and Reddit but not posting — I’m answering questions in comments about how our tools can solve their query
Content making would be the best i think
Would love to see what others say here.
@kostyabolsh yeah, think X and YT would be best. At least for me 😅
It depends on the type of startup, and I personally use the platforms not only for promotion but also for comparison/dialogue with other users. I currently use: X, IndieHackers, Product Hunt, Reddit, AppSumo