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  • What matters more to you? Money or purpose of work?

    A few days ago I bumped into a report stating that Gen Z (people born between 1997 – 2012) are more likely to choose a job with purpose for society than with a higher salary. [Motivators of selecting a workplace for Gen Z "Impact for society" (93%) > "Competitive salary" (63%)] – I will leave the report in the comments. My questions are (and I know that if you are a founder of a company you look at things a little bit differently), anyway: ● What matters to you more? (Money vs. Purpose of work) ● What is the minimum salary range you would have to get to care more about the purpose of the job than the money?


    Launching soon!
    Purpose of work drives long-term satisfaction and fulfillment, outweighing monetary gains for many, especially among Gen Z. Personally, a meaningful job that makes a positive impact is paramount, with a fair salary as the baseline to ensure financial stability.
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    The article I wrote about: https://www.qureos.com/hiring-gu...
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    Also recommend to have a look at https://www.deloitte.com/global/...
    Antonio Di Pinto
    Money it's important until a specific level, if you work for 1k a month, and you receive a raise to match 3k, the motivational boos is real. If you already have 10k monthly from a business (not necessary your business), if you raise to 15k, the motivational boost is not the same, will last just a few days after you receive the paycheck. So basically my answer is "it depends"
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    Understand, that it varies according to the position and situation you are in. The same applies when your living costs will increase directly proportional to the raised salary @antoniodipinto So to cover basic needs – money. But when you are safe with money, you start to be picky about what the company is about, what is purpose and so on...
    Antonio Di Pinto
    @busmark_w_nika once you pass the "security level", covering your needs, of course you become picky, you check more the company, the project the environment. Money can give you security but your 9h per day life it's still influenced by the purpose or better said, how you feel at work
    Simona O'Neill
    So I can totally see why Gen Zs would not care about money as much . Their parents had/have more of it and perhaps showed them that there’s more to life than money 😊All three of my kids were born in that period so know it first hand. I genuinely think that younger generations are less money oriented because they had a better and more fulfilling childhood. Plus they are spoiled for choice when it comes to careers and opportunities. I personally always wanted to make more money so my kids had more than I did and struggled less. Me and my husband had to make a number of sacrifices to make it happen. But there’s definitely a moral norm. I would never do a job I hate just because of money. I’ll always find one I like better. Money can be earned in so many ways if you utilise every skill you have. But I think the more financial freedom you feel the less you care about monetary benefits. Unless you’re greedy and selfish of course. As for the salary bracket, I think it depends on your living costs, circumstances and your environment. But in general once you have a nice home to live in , bills paid and food on the table …everything else is a luxury. That’s when you can start thinking of what you really want to do in life .
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    @simona_o_neill3 I admire the way you want to give your kids the best. You summed it up perfectly when it comes to fulfilled needs. 🙂 Regarding money – I had relatively modest circumstances, so that motivated me to work harder on things + when I saw that people around me were not doing what they wanted, I knew that what I was doing must have meaning for me. I think that the psychology of the individual, how he experiences events and situations in his life, plays a big role.
    Simona O'Neill
    For sure! And yes, I really hate watching people stuck in a rut and hating going to work every day. It really shows. My father in law was in the same job for 40 years and dreaded going in every day. So he went to a pub after work to make himself feel somewhat better 🙄. He only felt better when he retired though . What a miserable way to live eh . @busmark_w_nika
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    @simona_o_neill3 auch... know what you are talking about. It's like your life is slipping through your fingers. 🥲
    Karen Wick
    This is interesting, purpose of work only matters if you aren't working for someone else.
    Karen Wick
    @konrad_sx isn't that simple? You are working for someone else's purpose if you aren't working for yours.
    Konrad S.
    @karen_wick Yeah, but for me the purpose of the one I work for would matter. I'd try to work for someone with who's purpose I'd agree.
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    @karen_wick @konrad_sx this is an interesting POV. But if everybody worked for own purpose, we would be highly individual (which is okay), but you need people who help you with work (those, ideally, with the same passion for things)... because as individuals we would probably make less. Tomáš Baťa also liked the idea of making shoes but when he wanted to grow, he needed people. Of course, the bigger you are becoming, the worse is to find passionate people.
    Konrad S.
    The money does not matter ultimately for me, but is obviously important to 1) support existing beneficial organisations / projects 2) implement my own beneficial projects BTW, I'm not GenZ, I'm Millennial
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    @konrad_sx I ma a millennial too (1996). But TBH, need money for living but strongly need to see a purpose in projects at the same time. I feel so lucky to have both.
    Ramy Wafaa
    Money is what makes a reward for your work, if you work so hard for so many years and you feel that you are getting less money your spark will dim and you'll lose the passion .. both are important and crucial to success.
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    @ramywafaa yep, I felt many times like "less" because I was not rewarded adequately. Guess what happened? I am not there anymore :D
    Angela Ross
    What if the purpose of the work is money? :D
    Muhammad Daffa Shiddiq
    For me, it's definitely a balance. Financial stability gives me peace of mind and allows me to pursue some of my interests outside of work. But work without purpose feels like a missed opportunity. Ideally, a role offers a competitive salary and the chance to contribute to something meaningful. 😊
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    @muh_daffa nailed it! 🔩🔨 I would also prefer to work on some projects within your interests and create some wall of fame of the workers to showcase that the company supports their own development.
    Susan Pan
    I think sometimes it's quite hard to find a job that can satisfy your both needs. The good way to explain you continue a job is: do what your like no matter how it pays, or earn the most at your upper limit; so that you either earn the most money or gain the most motivation
    First, I want to make money. Once I become wealthy, I want to discover a new sense of purpose.
    Yatheen Brahma
    Both are important for me, but the one thing that has more importance is Purpose of work, If what I do is important for me it will eventually bring more money.
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    @yatheen_brahma probably you are more motivated to sustain that work when you see a purpose, so possibly could be there at the moment when it will break to higher numbers. Could be.
    Alexandra Goss
    Work-life balance Making a lot of money is a great motivation, but if it starts to put a strain on my relationships, it's no longer worth it Same with purpose/values/impact - I can't think of anything more important in this world than my family
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    @alex_skazka This is sometimes difficult to handle. It's quite strange but many people I saw happy in business were not happy in their personal life.
    Milli Sen
    Purpose of work would be far more satisfying
    Royce Wong
    Purpose is paramount, but financial sustainability is its lifeblood.
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    @roycewong This is the harsh truth: Everybody sounds so noble when having a lot of money ... I mean ... when I didn't have money, purpose would be one of the last thing I would try to sort out. Money is needed. That's the system. 🙈
    Royce Wong
    @busmark_w_nika exactly. Resources, especially financial, are undeniably the backbone of most endeavors. Without them, even the most purpose can remain just an aspiration.
    Richa Chordia
    While both money and purpose are important, I find that having a sense of purpose in my work ultimately matters more. When my work aligns with my values and passions, it not only brings fulfillment but also drives me to achieve greater things, often leading to financial rewards as a byproduct.
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    @richa_chordia that applies to me as well. When I feel fulfilment, I am able to do things that leads to more money :D
    Maria aim
    Honestly, I'd say a bit of both.
    Money is important, to get money we must really be thorough in doing the work!!
    Tim Liao
    Off course is purpose of work. In today's society, it's actually quite easy to make enough money to survive by simply selling our time in various forms. However, finding meaningful work or the meaning of life is much harder. How can we exist in this world without just selling our time? We should seek the meaning of our own lives. Inspired by speeches from Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, I've learned valuable lessons. Steve suggested living each day as if it were our last, to better decide what to do and what not to do. Elon advised finding a cause that excites us every morning, something worth striving for. We need positive and ambitious visions to pursue.
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    @timliao Agree but people who proclaimed/proclaimed this are beyond. They are wealthy but think you need to have passion for things + ambitions to get to this state.
    Tim Liao
    @busmark_w_nika I don't believe that seeking meaningful work is exclusive to the very wealthy. For instance, in polls where 80% chose work meaning, it doesn't exceed any particular limits. Additionally, achieving this state isn't just about being passionate about something; it also involves reducing the desires driven by consumerism, which isn't very difficult. Finding one's purpose in life doesn't require money. Just take some time everyday to think of ourself.
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    @timliao it is a very complex topic that's true and it would be for a longer discussion. The comment section is not enough! :D
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Pls add 3rd option "Yes"
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    @kostyabolsh I want it, I want it :DDD