What makes an employer a "good" employer?

Jao Japitana
10 replies
We all have our own perception of what a good boss is. Some believe that the best bosses are those that leave you to do your work, while others think otherwise and need constant supervision hence enjoying having the boss around. This is just an example. For you, what makes an employer a really good boss?


Tanya Jain
I personally feel that a boss who is invested in your development is the best. I feel more connected to both the organization and my work as a result, it also makes me believe that the organization cares about me and my professional journey.
André J
Launching soon!
Objectivity. Subjective bosses are 👎
I don’t like micromanagement, that’s why a person, who let me do my job, is better as this way they show their trust. In case I struggle to deliver, a ‘good’ boss will get more involved and help me to get back on track
Danni Emanuel
@llsbet I completely agree. Trust and support from a boss are crucial for a productive work environment. It's important to have the freedom to do our job while knowing that help is available when needed. But if you have multiple tasks, it can be very stressful. If you break it down into smaller tasks for every day, it will really help. It seems like you are launching a product or software very soon. I would love to know more about the product if you don't mind, because there is a better way to reduce the stress of getting more users and audience. You can create a SaaS explainer video, which will help you get more traffic and reach your target audience for the software. React out to on link friend https://linktr.ee/danzvideoguru Best regards!
Good listener, responsible and reliable
Mansi Trivedi
Micro managers are the worst!
Dharmi Gohil
I like the ones who gives freedom in whatever ways they can, and also at the same time guide the employees when needed.
Jao Japitana
Thank you all for the responses. We all have our own reference in what type of employer we would love to have, but yes I agree TRUST and SUPPORT are factors that both employees and employers should consider. The company won't grow if the people in it stay stuck as well.
A good employee is one that isn't perfect, will make mistakes, but will be able to learn from them and correct them. The employee should be able to be unsupervised, to a point as long as they are able to prove themselves as dedicated and honest. However, I think the most important is the employee that is willing to sacrifice for the company or the good of the team, without asking for recognition. Someone who goes the extra mile cause the want to see everyone succeed, not so they can be the hero. Humble but Relentless
Jao Japitana
Hi friends! Thank you for always making it a point to join my discussions. I am using all these answers to come up with a full list of things to share for launch day together with our team's experience. All your inputs are just amazing! I have a little favor to ask. Our team is launching today, I hope you can spare a few seconds of your time to support us. Please upvote us, as we are only 2 levels away in reaching #1 product of the day 💕I would be more than happy to do the same on your launch 💯 https://www.producthunt.com/post... Much love!