What made you choose your current profession?

Lalit Pandey
12 replies


Rich Watson
I like to think it chose me
Lalit Pandey
@richw That's a lot of hats to wear on a single day. All the best on your ventures man .
Rich Watson
@lastyprsfe By trade I'm a machinist, by hobby I'm a daytrader, and by inspiration I'm now an app creator for stock/crypto/forex retail traders
Victor Zhang
@lastyprsfe - In college, I switched my major from Engineering to Mathematics because I want to have a deeper understanding of equations before applying them - After graduation, I started my career in data science, building ML/AI statistical models. Many of those models are black boxes to me first. One day I figured out that to fully understand, I'd better build one on my own. So I started an open-source project (now with 500 stars.) - My open-source project got attention from some VC, and eventually land me an Angel Found. Officially became a startup founder.
Lubna Amber
I chose to enter the IT industry because it is growing rapidly in my country.
Launching soon!
My passion for building new products made me choose my current profession.
Lalit Pandey
@qudsia_ali What's your product? Is it on Product hunt?
Pranav Sathiadevan
My previous profession made me choose my current profession. I was a Digital marketing Manager working in agency space previously for FMCG brands, now I took up Product Marketing, and I think *I think* I can work with more lucidity and inner peace. fingers crossed!