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  • What kind of reading habits do you have?

    9 replies
    Hi everyone, wanted to ask you a few questions. What platforms do you read on a daily basis? What devices do you spend more time reading on each day? For example, computer, mobile phone, etc. Let's start with mine. I subscribe to a lot of RSS feeds and get most of my information from them, as well as platforms like Medium and DEV Community. Since I work from home most of the time, I spend more time reading on my computer. Ok, let's have a great discussion!


    F. Arvin Asyikin
    I use my phone, as for reading I subscribe to a lot of newsletter. I also do eBook
    F. Arvin Asyikin
    @fernanda_arvin @zhang_jon I have different reading schedule. As for day to day it is only for keeping update to the news or trend (hence the newsletter subscription). And it is already a LOT. To overcome this I use AI to help me summarize it into a simple bullet points. There are several who integrate directly with email (I use shortwave, but there are a lot of app out there). So for this newsletter I mostly only read the summary. If the summary didn't interest me as much chances are there are not a lot of information to dig. If I found something is interesting after reading the summary, I deep dive into that. If not, I will just read the summary and move on. Other than that is when I am reading to gather info. Maybe doing research or gathering data. I do this manually and not using AI, since I don't want to miss even a tiny bit of information. Also for the overflowing of information I make a habit to split my reading time into morning and evening. Morning is for decluttering my inbox ONLY, no actionable things done (unless urgent). So I will just add label for things I should do (maybe answering email, or digging into things,etc) but not take action unless it is urgent or have something to do for my day. Evening is to re declutter my inbox and take ACTION (I will answer un-urgent email, do some research for things intrigued me, looking at what that vocabulary means, etc). To sum it up, build a system for your information gathering and split them into some section so it doesn't overwhelm you. That is my way of doing it, what about you?
    @fernanda_arvin Me too, but too many sources of information can make me feel a little anxious because I'm not sure I've read everything, and of course that's impossible to accomplish. If you have a solution, can you let me know?
    Samantha Den
    I love curling up with a good novel in the evening.
    @samantha_den Wow, the peace and quiet of the night makes it easy to concentrate.
    Steve Troy
    I find myself picking up a book whenever I have some downtime.
    @steve_troy Paper books do provide a great reading experience that electronic devices can't replace!
    Teekaram Yogi
    I'm a fan of audiobooks while jogging they keep me motivated and entertained while I exersice
    @teekaram_teekaramyogi The audiobooks free up my hands so I can do other things at the same time. However, I haven't found an app that is naturally close to the human voice yet. If there is one, can you recommend it to me?