What keeps you motivated?

Hirak Kocharee
10 replies


The stimulation in doing something new, doing things with people I'm comfortable with, automating everything in my life.
Meghan Henry
Overcoming challenges can be a great source of motivation. When you achieve something difficult, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and boosts your confidence.
Olivia Martinez
I connected with loved ones and spent time doing things that I enjoy.
Haris Morgan
Having the freedom to work on projects and tasks that you are interested in and passionate about can make a big difference in your motivation levels.
Salar Davari
Hard work I and my team have done during the past years, and more importantly, how close we are to achieving our goal.
Making a difference. Feeling like you are making a positive impact on the world can be a very rewarding and motivating experience.
André J
Launching soon!
Living in a vibrant city
Artyom Sviridov
The need to eat everyday.