What keeps you motivated and energized at the start of the week?
Hamza Afzal Butt
37 replies
A particular playlist, podcast, or a cup of your favorite coffee?
For me, its my cup of black coffee :D
Wayne Dunkley@wayne_dunkley
I see every week as another opportunity for progression. Knowing that every single ounce of effort I put it is calculable at the end of the week and grows exponentially with every new week is enough motivation for me.
Planning my weekly sprint.. and seeing whats coming in the product.. this is such an awesome motivation to start my Monday..
Sometime some upcoming feature and thinking how our customers are going to react to it.. is just too good.
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For this week its Product Hunt Launch 🚀
Bills :)
Коли справа доходить до мотивації та енергії на початку тижня, важливо оточувати себе інструментами та ресурсами, які спрощують вашу роботу і роблять її більш ефективною. Наприклад https://hydromarket.com.ua/ua/g2..., у будівництві та сільському господарстві використання надійного фронтального навантажувача може значно прискорити робочий процес, підвищити продуктивність і, відповідно, вашу мотивацію. Як у роботі з технікою, так і в житті, наявність правильних інструментів допомагає справлятися з будь-якими завданнями, підтримуючи вашу енергію і мотивацію на високому рівні.
The "I will never work in a corporation again" taught 😉
Good rest during previous weekend :)
Only my family, forever.
this week - coffee))
Coffee is always a good idea :)
Also jogging in the morning.
I like to start with a workout. It wakes me up and makes me feel ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
my plans for the future always keep me motivated. I am finishing my degree in finance with the help of https://stateofwriting.com/uk/fi... and next year will have much better perspectives in my career. Not too mention a huge rise, which my chef promised me long time ago.
What keeps me motivated is knowing what I'm doing is serving a purpose.
For me, it's my favorite breakfast smoothie. It’s a great way to start the day and keep me going strong.
The fact that the weekend is waiting again at the end of the week makes me want to finish this week quickly. It’s a bit strange, but it really helps me stay motivated!
For me it would have to be working towards my main goal - Launching Connect Genie AI on Product Hunt. :D
I plan out my week on Sunday evening. Having a clear plan makes me feel organized and ready to hit the ground running on Monday.