What Jobs Will AI Replace & Which Are Safe?

Ali Naqi Shaheen
50 replies
Massive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about transformative changes across various industries. The evolving landscape of AI has also sparked shifts in the job market. Specific occupations face a higher risk of being replaced by AI technologies. Please share your view on what jobs will be replaced by AI and which are safe.


Eric Savina
In the very near future, if your job can be broken down into written processes, relies on laws and regulations, and is grounded in experience, you're in trouble.
Sandhana Arkish
Routine White-Collar Jobs: Certain routine tasks in white-collar jobs, like basic legal research and document review, may be automated.
Sansa Grey
Some customer service roles, especially those involving routine queries, could be automated using chatbots and AI-driven support systems.
Micah M
Tech related
Jacob Henry
@micah_mi Can you share any particular example?
@micah_mi @jacob_henry2 In almost every tech company, there is a discernible trend towards reducing workforce size accompanied by increased integration of automated processes, leading to a more streamlined and efficient operational landscape and workforce replacement.
Harry Turner
Many manufacturing, healthcare and finance jobs will be replaced, but AI will not replace executive jobs.
Jacob Henry
I think labor related job won't be replaced.
Syed Muhammad Shoaib Iqbal Shah
Roles in data analysis could be somewhat automated, but professions demanding creativity and innovative thinking may be less prone to AI replacement.
@shoaib_iqbal3 Very insightful observation! The nuanced balance between automation and human creativity in data analysis is indeed intriguing. It's reassuring to acknowledge that professions emphasizing creativity and innovative thinking maintain their distinct value in an era of advancing AI. Your perspective resonates with the dynamic interplay between technology and the irreplaceable human touch.
Stephen Wilkes
Repetitive tasks in manufacturing and assembly lines could likely be automated, while positions in research and development remain less affected.
Macauley Quinn
Routine jobs in retail, like cashier roles, could be automated, while positions require human touch and personalization.
Woody Robles
AI may impact routine medical diagnostics, but healthcare roles involving patient care and empathy will likely be less replaceable.
Rana Ahmed Waheed
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate specific tasks and jobs that are repetitive, predictable, and do not require human creativity or judgment. Some of the jobs that are most at risk of being replaced by AI include: Data Entry and Processing Telemarketing and Telesales Customer Service Data Analysis and Reporting Manufacturing and Assembly However, it's important to note that AI is only expected to replace some jobs. Instead, it is more likely to augment human work, making some tasks more accessible and efficient. Additionally, new job roles and industries will likely arise as AI develops and new technologies emerge
Daniel Evans
Jobs in routine housekeeping and maintenance could be automated, while roles requiring personal care and attention to detail might be more secure.
Gavin Marshall
AI may impact routine aspects of architecture and design, but innovative and concept-driven roles may remain less susceptible.
Hayden Foster
Roles in routine IT support might be automated, but positions requiring complex problem-solving and system optimization could be more resilient.
Anh Ngo (Austin)
I think jobs that require human touch & empathy will hard to be replaced: nurse, healthcare