What is your plan for new week? Any progress in your project?

25 replies
Sharing your week plan and progress, we are so happy to share in your joy!


We are planning to create more custom GPTs with new integrations soon. Btw, we are launching Mojju this week! It's a custom GPTs service!
I have a one day work week for this week, just get thru today and actually have some time off......so that I can catch up on more work lol. Well hopefully get things done that I want to.
@reconcatlord Ah, the classic "time off to catch up on work" move – the freelancer's paradox! Wishing you a productive day today and a well-deserved breather afterward. May the to-do list surrender to your efficiency!
@reconcatlord Yes sure sometimes we need to look outside of this framework to have a better strategy!
@istiakahmad Thank you, my day has finally ended, and its relaxing time...I mean getting things done time lol
Raju Singh
hey Sylvia, We have made good progress on our launch and a ready to hit the road TOMORROW. Will need your support. Here you go https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
@imraju Fantastic news! Launching tomorrow? Consider my support pledged! 🔥
Maria Anosova 🔥
Lots of plans, too many plans. Wish me luck)
@maria_anosova Luck wished, vibes sent! May your plans align seamlessly and your journey be a thrill. Here's to conquering the hustle with style and success. Best of luck! 🌟💪
Alexander Ptitsyn
Work from Monday till Friday, and relax on weekends.
@alexanderptitsyn Sounds like the perfect rhythm! Weekdays for the hustle, weekends for the chill. 🌟
Week ahead, the canvas of possibilities! 🎨 Excited to dive deeper into project milestones and carve out some serious progress. Let the hustle unfold, and may the coding gods be ever in our favor! How about you? Any epic plans or project victories on your horizon?
@istiakahmad hahaha Grab a coffee and I work for the project from 10am to 10pm. OMG which break my work life balance goal in accident.
Elen Udovichenko
The plan is to launch 🤞 Almost ready!
Karan Arora
Launched our first product today on PH 🔥 Share your love 🧡 https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Lakshya Singh
We are launching tomorrow! Excited! What about you?