What is your peak period of productive work?

Antoni Kozelski
62 replies
My magical peak work performance moments are between 8 am to 1 pm, turning me into a fully functioning human dynamoβ˜•πŸ¦„πŸš€ http://antonikozelski.com/person...


Graham Wood
Definitely morning hours, between 09:00-13:00
Marilena Nikou
kind of similar to you, 9-1!
Manveer Sandhu
I think around 11pm to 1am πŸŒ—
around 5pm to 7pm
Etiene Dalcol
11am-3pm (the prime time of my ADHD meds)
only morning :)
Early afternoon, During this time, I feel most focused and energized to tackle challenging tasks.
Thomas Hansen
When it's not 42 degrees Celsius in the shade ... :D Psst, I live in Cyprus, evenings and morning are best ^_^
Tobe Royal
Late night, Around 3 to 5 AM
7 am - 10 am
When the world sleep, between 10pm and 2am. Waking up at 8am is kind of a challenge
George Kalandadze
My golden hours are 7 am - 1 pm, 11 pm - 1 am. That middle part of the day should be for power naps, am I right?
Michael Fine
9pm-1am once my two girls are asleep!
Bobby Fisher
I concentrate better between 4am and 7am, but I often burn the candle at both ends, working from 8pm to 11pm. Not always effective as I'm often battling to stay awake! πŸ˜…
Antoni Kozelski
@marilena_n @manveezus @neha_8 @shoaib_iqbal3 @etiene_dalcol @manveezus @neha_8 @shoaib_iqbal3 @etiene_dalcol @elijah_harris @jackson_wells @wyatt_dior @create_snappy @studiofine @george_kalandadze @mho22 @tobe_royal3 @thomas_hansen5 @gaserd123 πŸ“ if you want to increase your productivity with AI and especially ChatGPT you can join my FREE community on Discord where I share constantly practical guides, insights, and lifehacksπŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‰ https://discord.gg/J5FV3mKu Will be happy to help you and share all my knowledge!
Uma Venugopal
anything after 9pm through 6am