What is your favorite marketing framework?

Dan Kulkov
20 replies
Hey, Product Hunters We are creating a library of 50 battle-tested marketing frameworks for Indie Entrepreneurs. Especially those with a Dev background ๐Ÿ‘พ And we need your help! What is your favorite marketing model? Mine is Growth Loop and AARRR funnel. I use them on every project. (If you don't know what a marketing model is, look at the Hook example here https://www.makerbox.club/framew...)


Alexandra Cote
the one that starts with truly understanding your target market
Alexandra Cote
@kronop anything that prioritize the customer and the entire customer lifecycle
Dan Kulkov
@alexandracote do you have a favorite one?
Sveta Bay
I love Persona framework. Spotify example is so great! https://spotify.design/article/t...
Launching soon!
@basv Hy, thank you for sharing, Such a great article.
@basv Great article, Sveta. Thanks for sharing. But do you think such a framework will only work in B2C industry?
Dan Kulkov
@basv personas are incredibly useful, as long as they are not only about social-demographics ๐Ÿ˜…
Daniel Pirciu
Reforge's growth loop framework is my favorite
Brenna Donoghue
@daniel_pirciu wow, I wasn't familiar with this and now have gone down a Reforge rabbit hole. Thank you!
Paul Mit
I'm a big fan of Product-led Growth: https://openviewpartners.com/blo.... It's a fundamental strategy that involves using different frameworks, but definitely the kind of thing that all bootstrap funders and creators should learn.
Dan Kulkov
@mituhin this one is extremely useful! Thank you Paul ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Lucile Riviรจre
I definitely follow you on the AARRR funnel- at Plezi it really helped us define our objectifs and organize the way we work.
Dan Kulkov
@lucile_riviere AARRR funnel is amazing! Simple and powerful
Dima Khan
Product-market-channel-model from Brian Balbour. PMF is old, you need the right channel to grow https://brianbalfour.com/essays/...
Dan Kulkov
@dmitrii_khanarin love it! Brian is a genius ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Launching soon!
My favorite marketing framework is "Lean Analytics Stages".
Dan Kulkov
@qudsia_ali this one is great and often left unnoticed!
Ali J
Well, this would have to be the Bullseye Framework for gaining traction. Here's a short piece on itโ€”https://keymedium.com/gaining-tr...