What is your favorite icebreaker to get a conversation started?

Priyanka Saini
44 replies


Thomas Hansen
A fun and light-hearted question about hobbies or interests can be a great icebreaker. By the way, we just launched our product today! Follow us and try it out with a 7-day free trial.
Business Marketing with Nika
When is there any situation, I try to base my reply or my "pickup line" on that situation. And sometimes only curious ordinary questions: Where are u from, what do you do? You can get many answers from people. All it is about picking some parts and diving deeper :) genuine interest.
priyanka prasad
Mostly I start with introducing myself and asking him/ her what he does and where are they from
Mia Fullin
I would choose to talk about lighter topics such as asking if the person has enjoyed any recent movies, books or music.
Milli Sen
Anything exciting happened this week? or asking about movies or music.
Jeffrey Jacob
My favorite icebreaker to initiate a conversation is asking about someone's recent travels or favorite destinations. It's a topic that usually sparks enthusiasm and allows people to share personal experiences, cultural insights, and often leads to interesting anecdotes or recommendations. Travel is a universal interest that transcends backgrounds and professions, making it a great way to connect and learn something new about the person you're speaking with.
Normal greetings paired with a question. There's a technique in psychology called "Foot in the door" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fo...
Adeeb Malik
Hey, don't you think this is getting too formal?
Zaheer Khan
Mostly I start with the question about favorite place to visit? What do you ask?
Robert Pim
I like to ask "if you could meet anyone from history, who woult it be?
Kehui Guo
If you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Steve Weatherby
I ask about how do you like to spend weekend
Sophia Gartner
I like to ask about the 'WISH'.
Sharon Workman
I start with asking a favorite app
Tim David
I start my conversation with question about asking the most unique thing
Tanya Sharath
I usually ask, "what's the most interesting thing you've learned recently?" It's a great way to spark a fun and engaging conversation
Thomas Hansen
Share your favorite icebreakers to kickstart conversations.
Kate Sleeman
I ask, ""What's your favorite app?"" It's fun to share. What's your go-to?
Steven Granata
I ask, "What’s the coolest thing you learned lately?" It starts a fun chat
Keira Stump
I like to ask, ""If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?"" What's your favorite?