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  • What is your conversion rate?

    Iuliia Shnai
    9 replies
    I am gathering the data for conversion rates for different SaaS. Typically good conversion is smth above 1 %. For us: MarbleFlows - forms to convert and onboard users (Marketing SaaS) We have averaged around 1% The most active day for us- Thursday around: 350 visitors 35 accounts created The least active weekend day: 50 visitors 7 sign ups The challenge we currently face is in converting to paid and active further on. Share your conversion rates:


    Dryden Williams
    Ours is 3% which I thought was pretty great until I saw @michelepomposo whopping 13%; what do you think the secret is?
    Iuliia Shnai
    @michelepomposo @drydenwilliams_ Hahah for sure. Michele just killing us with this number:) We need the secret.
    @drydenwilliams_ @iuliia_shnai no secret at all! 😀 look at our website: https://tiledesk.com/ we are mainly leveraging on the reverse trial :-)
    about 13% for 1.2k new visitors per week same challenge for us! activation and later converting to paid
    Said Aitmbarek
    1-2% is decent 2-5% is considered good > 5% is really something 💯
    Andrew Edwards
    We're at between 1%-2%. We're looking to optimize so the number goes higher. What are you doing to bring people in long term and to pay?
    Iuliia Shnai
    @andrew_edwards3 I think it is more about engagement. So we try to share updates with users, Engage with good content and react on their feedback actively.