What is your best Product Hunt tip?

Olena Bomko
59 replies
My favourite tips: 1. Be active on PH (support others, create discussions, comment on others’ discussions). 2. Create your Coming Soon page as soon as possible. Share it on PH, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 3. Be active on social media. Post about your PH launch. 4. Connect with people from PH on LinkedIn/Twitter. 5. Optimize your PH profile. Add social media links. You asked me about my LinkedIn Inbound Playbook (How I reached 25K on LinkedIn with 0 outbound). Yes, I'll launch it on PH :) A link to receive a notification: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Kayode Odeleye
Great list mid day number 1 is most important and be authentic about it
be active on PH and you wont regret it
Tanjir Rahman
Agreed with all of your point here Olena! Thanks for sharing these.
Darya Krakaviak
Hi Olena - great compilation! in point 2, when you say ‘create it asap’ - how well in advance would you say is the best practice?
Olena Bomko
@dkrakaviak I know your company from LinkedIn :) Depends on your goals and how big your audience is. Companies with a big audience need less time.
Darya Krakaviak
@olenabomko that’s a great piece of feedback to receive for someone who’s developing our LinkedIn presence 😇 Right, makes sense re the audience size — thank you!!
Gaurav Kumar
Ask Rohan to hunt my product. It is enough 😅
Olena Bomko
@gauravdoodles @rohanrecommends is amazing! He created a very supportive community 😍
Gaurav Kumar
@rohanrecommends @olenabomko Yeah the community and the people are awesome. Some people are also living their indie lives which is crazy 🙌
Neima Mogadas
Launching soon!
@gauravdoodles @rohanrecommends @olenabomko @ajinkya_bhat how useful is having a hunter in general?
Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
@gauravdoodles @rohanrecommends @olenabomko @neima I think *just* a hunter is less useful, although if the product get featured their followers get the web app notification- so its not totally useless. Maker's followers get email notifications too. I feel the hunter's experience and launch support/ strategies help a lot, which is what Rohan does for us! Best case is to get a hunter who is knowledgeable and credible in the domain you are launching.
Be there or be square!
Bohan Wang
Agreed, following these steps, gradually reaping rewards. Who said the famous quote: Mastery requires too much discipline. and these are discipline.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
The tips you provided are quite useful; another important tip is optimal timing for your launch, PH is most active on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, you will see the benefits of taking this into account.
Neima Mogadas
Launching soon!
@tunc_emran so, do should you aim to launch on those days? cause it seems like they'd be the most competitive
Relja Denic
Nice ones! I would add outreach. It's also good.
Olena Bomko
@relja_denic Do you mean send direct messages?
Relja Denic
@olenabomko Yes, on linkedin. Do it couple of weeks in advance so they create profiles that can be older then a week if somebody dosent have them
Neima Mogadas
Launching soon!
@relja_denic this is to your existing network? or for linking with producthunters?
Philipp Shay
These are good tips 💪
Philipp Shay
Surfing and upvoting every day even on weekends
My best Product Hunt tip is to be active on the platform before you launch your product.
Jacky Jackson
Proven Product Hunt Strategies by Olena Bomko Olena Bomko shares invaluable insights for a successful Product Hunt launch: Active Engagement: Participation is key. Engage with the PH community by supporting others, initiating discussions, and providing thoughtful comments. Early Coming Soon Page: Establish anticipation by creating a "Coming Soon" page. Promote it across PH, Twitter, and LinkedIn to generate interest before your launch. Social Media Buzz: Leverage your social media presence. Regular posts about your PH launch will help build momentum and create awareness. Connect Across Platforms: Forge connections with fellow PH enthusiasts on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Networking can lead to invaluable insights and collaborations. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your PH profile is complete and includes relevant social media links. This provides a comprehensive overview of your online presence. Regarding the LinkedIn Inbound Playbook, I'm thrilled to hear you'll be launching it on PH! Please share the link to receive notifications. Your insights into achieving 25K on LinkedIn without outbound efforts are bound to be a game-changer. Looking forward to it! 🚀 https://apkcarten.com/
Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
Pre-launch prep and the first four hours seem to matter the most. 90% of the make-or-break moments for my launches happened there.
Ahmer Saud
i ill add to Point 2. and Launch as soon as possible
Jai Singhal
1,2,4 is must 🙌
Thanks for those @olenabomko How would you "Optimize your PH Profile". What are other best practice on the matter (aside from adding social media links) ? 🙏🏻
Olena Bomko
@toni_pm Thank you! I think it's the most important. + Real profile pic (the same on all your social media platforms). + Who you are and what you do.
Brian Wadley
Definitely be active! Get involved with others and they will done the same in return!