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  • What is your best marketing channel?

    Olena Bomko
    80 replies
    For me, it’s LinkedIn. To give your context: I have been using LinkedIn for 3 years. Fully inbound. 0 cold outreach Crossed 25K followers. I sell B2B services (I help tech startups with marketing, growth, and go-to-market) + sell digital products (The Customer Research Report). And you?


    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    Never did any marketing, people come to me on their own . There are many people who have 1000 times more followers than me and they follow me . Every month I get a new clients and they keep on returning. Sometimes I feel it is god or my mindset that keeps them flowing. Whenever I tried to force anything for example cold emailing , Google adds or working on marketing channels it never worked. But when I leave things to flow, it really starts flowing like magic. Some angels are there who are protecting me for sure ❣️. I am actually blessed in this sense. Yeah I get most clients from LinkedIn I do not even have to look for anyone, they come to me on their own. Every week I have a new challenge and a new client with totally different from my niche πŸ˜…πŸ™Œ.
    Frank Sondors
    @gauravdoodles why would you say the come to you?
    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    @franksondors Because of my experience in the startup industry, because of referrals which they do on their own. I never asked for referrals. I am also scarce and not readily available for everyone at any price. One reason is this lots of people visit my my profile and find me on the search list. Also I feel at peace most of the time. I believe I can help anyone πŸ™Œ
    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    @franksondors I can get any client but I m not in right location . Indian clients never go for subscriptions more than $1100 per month but US clients readily give $4000+ per month . It will easier for me if I m in the United states
    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    @franksondors Also there are some followers who are passive who does not react to your post or buy your products but only few of them will buy it or engage in your posts . For example if you have 10,000 followers and even 7000 engage on your posts or try your products , u are at better place but suppose you have 300,000 followers and only 7000 is engaging or trying your product . These many followers are only active rest are passive . Bascially 10,000 is still a better bet than 300,000 followers on linkedin or any social media
    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    @franksondors Don't remove them keep them. It will be a time-consuming process to remove passive once. Just let it be as they are.
    Gaurav Kumar
    Artfinity design
    Artfinity design
    In short clients seek me, I do not seek clients that too without any huge following on social media. I think huge followers do not mean you are more reliable or something special but the quality of work in your portfolio and the people you work with speak a lot πŸ™Œ that is real branding 😊
    Maksym Skrypka
    for me it's X and Linkedin
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @maksym_skrypka B2B or B2C SaaS?
    Swapratim Roy
    For me, it's LinkedIn too. But I'm exploring X revently
    Frank Sondors
    @swapratim_roy how does it compare for you right now?
    Frank Sondors
    @swapratim_roy same, even if my audience is small, I'm getting zero clients, but to be honest I need to build an audience to expect something in return. The other upside is that X pays you for being a creator :)
    Swapratim Roy
    @franksondors I agree - it'll take substantial time to create a true audience and then perhaps clients reaching out will be possible. Since my business is b2b - it's little more tricky too. I'll keep experimenting to see the results.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Frank Sondors
    Why LinkedIn? Clients and network or? I'm biased as I've decided 10+ years ago to build my presence on LinkedIn. I don't have time for 2 platforms.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @franksondors Clients, customers (for my digital product), friends, learning :) I think I should launch a LinkedIn Inbound Playbook :)
    Shivangi Awasthi
    It's LinkedIn. :))
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @shivangiawasthi What do you sell?
    Prem Saini
    LinkedIn takes the marketing crown πŸ‘‘ because it's the ultimate professional playground. 🏒 Connect with your laser-targeted audience in a business-savvy arena, where sparks of engagement and networking magic ✨ await!
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @prem_saini1 Depends on your audience. Definitely for B2B :) What do you sell?
    Kathan Desai
    Pentest Copilot by BugBase
    Pentest Copilot by BugBase
    I feel in a long run there is nothing better than right content strategy. Get you leads with intent!
    Steve Lou
    LinkedIn by far, followed by Discord as a close second.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @steve_lourdessamy What do you sell?
    adam albo
    To be honest never had much success in any marketing channels, Maybe I'm not that devoted, or fonts and characters do not energize me enough to continue communicating, All of my clients come from word-to-mouth I know i need to start putting more time into it
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @suchback Word-of-mouth is amazing :) What do you sell?
    adam albo
    @olenabomko i provide animation services for companies , basically I specialize in making videos to help companies sell and promote their product
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @suchback Should I launch a LinkedIn Inbound Playbook?
    @olenabomko I think a LinkedIn inbound playbook would be cool. I'm interested to hear how others generate customers via LinkedIn. We're B2B SaaS...
    You have great experience in using it! Would love to hear more insights
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @andriyuh Thank you! Should I launch a LinkedIn Inbound Playbook?
    Samuel Perry
    For us, content is king. SEO-optimized articles and blog posts pull in organic traffic like a magnet.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @perry88_s Do you prefer bottom of the funnel articles?
    Anna Shults
    LinkedIn + SEO finally is starting to work ;)
    My best marketing channel has been building relationships with other creatives, bloggers, and influencers in the industry. By connecting with people who share similar interests and passions, I can discuss our craft, learn from each other's experiences, and ultimately grow our collective followings through mutual support and collaboration.
    Judith Amarachi πŸ’™
    LinkedIn and Twitter for B2B businesses
    It's LinkedIn
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @katushkas Are we connected there?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @dmitriy_pegov LinkedIn? Twitter? Something else?
    Moin Shaikh
    Personally, it's LinkedIn for me too. And for my ecommerce clients, email marketing channel works the best. I have found email marketing to be a much higher conversion channel because we target right audience with right copy and right value prop.
    Aditya Kumar Saroj
    I think every answer here says LinkedIn. For me it turned out to be Reddit.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @aditya_kumar_saroj Very interesting! Do you have a tech audience?
    Dana Darr
    I'm planning on getting excitement and feedback around my product through LinkedIn and Twitter (X) first. Right now I can afford sweat equity, this will be a good time to hear feedback and I can make adjustments until my product (B2C) is fully developed.