What is typical growth for a bootstrapped app with no existing brand presence

Mick Gow
9 replies
I’m just super curious what “normal” looks like for new launching mobile app. I know there are so many variables, but for an indie maker does an average app see after 3/6/12 months as far as installs.


I'm in the same boat so i would love to know the answer to this as well
Nicolas Gohler
I've had a weird launch, got more people to try the TestFlight (Beta) for the app than real downloads at the launch... Now growing slowly, about 5 users a week, with decent ASO rankings & 0 paid marketing. Plans to change that of course!
Mick Gow
@nicolasgohler I experienced this a bit and discovered there was an angle of people excited to be beta testers and be first to try. I ended up continuing to run some Facebook ads even after I’m out of beta using words like “help us test” and “early testers”. It’s an interesting marketing angle. I was getting 50 testers a day and it dropped to 20 a day when I removed that language so I put it back and it went up again.
Paolo Go
Competition is high. In my opinion, 6 months to 1 year is a realistic period, but it all depends on marketing and outreach.
i'd say it takes at least a year, even with paid marketing, to retain a stable growth. my other product took 1year and 7months.
Mick Gow
@zignis what do you consider retaining stable growth? What type of growth or numbers.
@mickgow depends on the kpi, for me it way the weekly and mau showing a positive trend for atleast a few months
Kevin Brendel
I think there is a huge variance. Some (probably most, tbh) apps see no traction at all, some grow slowly, some take off. But the takeoff can also happen after a long period of slow growth/stagnation, depending on influencers covering it, word-of-mouth, etc. The market is flooded with apps, so you need to think about what you can build that is worth choosing over all of the other options which already exist.