What is the most important lesson you have learned as an entrepreneur?

Shaur ul Asar
32 replies


The team you put together will make or break your project.
Tanay from Stacks
It is not a sprint. It is a marathon with many sprints.
Fernando Tucci
@tanaylakhani came to say the same. It is all about persistence and resilience. And it takes a lot of both
You can build whatever you want, but if no one cares, it's pointless.
Hashir Ahmed
Being an entrepreneur is not easy. There will be setbacks, failures, and challenges. But if you are resilient, you will be able to overcome these challenges and succeed.
Liam Jones
Adaptability stands out as the key lesson I've learned. The ability to pivot and adjust my strategies based on changing circumstances has allowed me to stay relevant and seize new opportunities.
Iya Mendoza
The most valuable lesson I've learned as the CEO of Logomakerr.ai, is the necessity of customer-centricity. Our success hinges on understanding startups' and small businesses' needs, challenges, and aspirations. We continuously refine our platform by listening to our users to provide a seamless logo design and branding experience. This lesson reinforces our commitment to empowering businesses through accessible, AI-driven solutions that resonate with our customers' unique identities and goals.
Bran Vuch
Plan for the worst-case scenario, work to the maximum, and rely only on yourself. Not very positive, but that's the way it is. 😅
Christopher Nguyen
Great ask! For me, it's all about embracing those bumps in the road. Startups are like an adventure, and the real treasure is in the experience itself. 😁 BTW. My product - Junior Design Bundle, is officially launched! Your support would mean the world to me! 🙏🥺 Thanks in advance!
Apollon Latsoudis
No matter how many times you think you have learned everything there is to learn, there is always something new to be learned in a new lauch.
Abhinay kumar
regulating emotions and keep going even in the face of constant and frequent ups and downs
Steve Lou
Answer this question every week: what have you learned from your target users / customers?
William Clark
Seen a lot of founders pivot after initial ideas flunked. Flexibility matters.
Yulia Belov
Keep going and experimenting - the goal is an infinite game. All the time I remind myself of the case in the book "Start with no" by Jim Camp: If you analyse army pilot decisions during a flight almost all of them are incorrect. All the time they could do better. The lesson, which the pilots have learned, is to continue to make decisions. Keep going.
Godgift CatchMoney Emma
Don't give up one day you will win a lot.
Sidra Arif
Courage dear heart.
Shajedul Karim
every venture's a story, every lesson a chapter. for me, the loudest lesson? the journey matters more than the destination. building a business isn't linear. embrace the chaos. failure? it's just a plot twist, not the end. listen more, speak less. feedback, even silent, is gold. and lastly, surround yourself with people who fuel your story. because at the end of the day, it's not just what you build, but who you become along the way.
Jordan Evans
That consistency is critical. As an entrepreneur you will always have extreme highs and extreme lows. If you can stay consistent and keep putting in the work during those low points when you feel like everything is crumbling down then chances are you'll come out the other end.