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  • What is the ideal number of followers when you can stop engaging?

    Sometimes when replying to people I wonder how many followers to exceed so you can stop getting involved in commenting/replying to every comment. 🤔 I have heard many times that 2,000 – this, e.g. claimed John Rush or Dan Mindru. Of course, the more people you follow and the more reactions you get, the harder it is to manage. On the other hand, some people exceed this number and always reply to comments. 🤷‍♀️ IT DEPENDS ON MANY FACTORS: • What is the Platform? (on PH there is less engagement than on X) • How engaging are you? (when you post once a week, you will get less notifications than posting once a day) • How good do you want to be as a community manager? (the good ones try to manage everything) 💡 HOW PEOPLE SOLVE IT? • They answer randomly or in acute cases. • Their answers are shorter. • Hire a virtual assistant. • Use automatised answers. ---------- My take on that: I try to answer in many cases almost to everything. Besides bot comments. 😃 Anyway, not every time it is possible but in those "short-in-time" cases, at least, I try to read as much as I can to be aware of what is happening. Maybe my standpoint will change over the years but for now, it is like that. What is your approach to this topic?


    Han Kim
    Launching soon!
    I didn't know about 2,000 rule! Thanks for sharing!
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    @the_han_kim It is not a rule actually. Only more people agreed on that :D
    Han Kim
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika Got it :D super fascinating though!
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    You can flood my other profiles with your engagement btw. 😀 Predominantly: Twitter: https://x.com/BusMark_w_Nika LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nika... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@busines... Substack: https://businessandmarketing.sub...
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    PS: I need to be honest, I am miserable at replying to people their DMs :D Upss :D
    Alex AI
    @busmark_w_nika I know. Still haven't replied to my DMs. :lol"
    Alexander Alkor
    @busmark_w_nika well I can understand you so good... sometimes it's even hard to communicate as it deserves with very good people (like you :p) and still, I believe that replying is secondary to creating your own content. It's still a high priority - but not the highest, I think. However, I'd try to reply to as many CONSTRUCTIVE comments as possible, too:))
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    @arthen_factory 🥹 Can I use your kind words on social media? 💛 What is according to you the highest priority? To creating product or?
    Alexander Alkor
    @busmark_w_nika regarding the priority: I think that comments that offer new ideas or something truly authentic are the most interesting ones. However, it's really hard to tell which exactly comments and persons will be truly resonating with you. I think, it's always an element of surprise when talking about people 😺
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @arthen_factory It is individual. What others may consider to be interesting, doesn't have to be interesting to me and vice versa. Psychology in marketing is a science :D
    Borja DR
    I wasn't aware of the 2k rule either... I make an effort to reply to all comments since I'm nowhere near that limit. I believe that if someone takes the time to read and respond, they deserve the same courtesy in return. By the way, I've noticed you post frequently on Product Hunt, and I'm curious about how you plan your content and come up with ideas. Do you have any tips or advice?
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    @borja_diazroig Thank you Borja for your contribution. :) Sometimes I have topics that I thought about in advance but sometimes it is a "freestyle" how I feel it. I try to be more authentic with me and my content :)
    Alex AI
    The reality: Never. For example, I used to get around 20-25 likes when I had 300 followers on X. Nowadays, I’m not consistent. I post something now. I have 5,000+ followers, but I get no more than 5-10 likes on my posts. And when it comes to comments, it's even more embarrassing: I used to get 20 comments back then; now I get about 1-2. But back then, I engaged more with people. It sounds harsh, but if you're not a celebrity, you have to interact with people if you want engagement. Or you need to be part of some communities to get engagement.
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    @byalexai This is so accurate! And the answer should be highlighted. Of course, there are some changes in algo over time but still your answer is applicable.
    Alexander Galitsky
    This is a test comment. Just curious to see how things will escalate
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    @ag94 I will engage :D
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    I am starting to believe that these numbers don't matter at all.
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    @vaibhavdwivedi It depends on many things including those factors I mentioned. :)
    @busmark_w_nika That’s a great question and one a lot of us think about as our following grows! Honestly, there's no magic number where you can suddenly stop engaging. It really comes down to what kind of connection you want with your audience. Even with thousands of followers, staying engaged (at least to some degree) keeps your community lively and shows you care. Some people manage by prioritizing comments that add value or spark interesting conversations, while others might start using tools or hiring help to keep up. Personally, I think it’s important to keep the human touch as much as possible, even if that means replying to fewer comments but with more thoughtfulness. What’s worked for you so far?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @captvk Definitely interact with people on my own. But Alex is 100% right and agree with him: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Ardak Y
    2000 per platform? or across all of them?
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    @ardak_ at that time we spoke about it with Dan, it was meant only for Twitter back then.
    Gabi Militaru
    The ideal number really depends on your engagement capacity and goals. However, once you have a solid base of around 20k-30k followers, it might be manageable to focus more on high-value interactions rather than every single comment.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @gabi_militaru as you are becoming a "celebrity" people will want to engage with you more and more even when you are not actively trying :)
    Nastya Novichikhina
    But it depends on your goals and platform! 🧐 Many founders still engage beyond 2,000 followers, but scaling replies with shorter answers or hiring help can keep it manageable. It’s key to balance community building with time constraints! What’s your current engagement strategy?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @syr I engage everywhere without any help (No AI) almost with everybody.
    I don't think there is an absolute number, it all depends on how you deal with it
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    @jackcheng1126 that's why I try to write fast to handle everything :D
    Max Zhang
    Well I guess it really depends. The engagement rate matters more.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @defatom Yep. Follower count too but I also think (predominantly on Twitter) that engagement more.
    Linda Baker
    I think follower count is just one part of the equation. How engaged your audience is matters more than raw numbers. If you stop replying at 2k followers but your audience still expects it, you might lose that personal connection. Maybe stagger replies or prioritize based on comment depth?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @lindaabakerr Like the point, Linda. How would you solve it if the number of comments is becoming massive and you want to be as much engaged as possible? That is something I am trying to solve in the next months. (Without AI) :)
    Alexander Alkor
    It's so interesting to hear about the 2,000 rule. Says a lot about our habits and responding activities in general. As for me, I'd answer on any comment with a thoughtful question, suggestion, or constructive criticism. The more of them are here, the better for me, I believe.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @arthen_factory That makes sense but when there are many comments, it is time demanding so you need to find a way to be engaged after the massive comment replies.
    Alexander Alkor
    @busmark_w_nika yes, but how much of them are truly that valuable? Contain new ideas, or something that resonates with you a lot, for example. Actually you seem to have much more experience than me, so you maybe know this approximate proportion? I don't know whether it change as you grow, but I think valuable comments are rather rare.
    Iulian D
    I don’t think there's a specific follower count where you should stop engaging. Even with a large following, maintaining genuine interactions is key to building trust and community. It’s more about the quality of engagement than the quantity!
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    @idowbmarc The thing is: TIme is limited and if you wanna provide a quality answer, it takes time. There is a contradiction between being present, engaging at the same amount of time (24 hours).
    numbers don't matter
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @intiaj_islam when you want to grow a community, there is no limit :)
    Nathan Covey
    Is this a trick question? Never stop engaging 😅
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Smart move! :D @nathancovey
    Nifal Adam
    Hey Nika, your insights on community engagement are spot on! 🌟 You've captured the essence of what it means to be genuinely involved in your community, which is refreshing in the sea of automation and detachment. Sometimes, sprinkling comments like seasoning can enhance the flavour of the community without overwhelming yourself. Not every reply needs to be a novel. Sometimes, a quick "Thanks for sharing!" can mean as much as a detailed response.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nifal_adam2 I allow myself to use it this time! Thanks for sharing! :)
    Rafael Biasiolo
    I'm new here, with no followers....Let's connect!
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @rafael_biasiolo Let's connect on LI! :)