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  • What is the ideal blog length that you'd prefer to read?

    12 replies


    A few days ago I came across a Hubspot blog that said that blogs around 2k words are SEO optimized. That said, I don't think the attention span of the audience is too high unless they are really interested in the content. In the end, it depends upon balancing between SEO optimized length and interests of the content consumers. Would love to know your feedback on this, since I am a beginner myself.
    @p_soumya Long-form content does perform well SEO-wise. But of course, as a reader, 1200-1500 words would be my ideal go to blog. I think there should be a balanced structure. And interlinking between short form and long form content is the key.
    Sofya Narbut
    I have the attention span of a mouse, 5 min read tops!
    @sofya_narbut haha understandable!
    Roberto Robles
    I personally like short posts packed with value. But as someone who works in SEO, I understand the value of balancing it between what the user wants and what Google is ranking. If you have to write a long article, make sure you add a TLDR recap and table of contents at the start so readers can get a quick overview and jump to the area of their interest. A lot of people ask me "how much content should I write to rank for this topic/keyword". We can go with the 2000 word suggestions, but if the websites that are ranking on page #1 have over 4k words of content, it's going to be little thought to compete (assume they all have good quality content). So to help with this, I added a cool feature to the rank tracking tool of our SEO software, which checks on average how much content you need to write to rank for a specific keyword. We basically analyze all websites on page #1 of Google and calculate an average word count.
    @roberto_robles Insightful! That tool sounds amazing!
    Roberto Robles
    @tapsi thanks! I hope you can try it out.
    Personally I wouldn't care about the length and just focus on quality. I keep reading as long as it's worth reading!
    Rahul Jain
    3minutes. We have found the following works super well for an engaging blog: 1. Powerful intro hook: One should always start by telling the interesting part of the blog and why should the reader devote the next 3 minutes to the blog. 2. Should read like a story: We as humans connect to stories. A blog which reads like that performs well. 3. Crisp & active voice: Passive voice is hard to read 4. And proper backlinks and credits. Creators when credited tend to give you backlinks when they write their own pieces.
    @rahul_2992 Absolutely agree with all the points!
    Misha Krunic
    In my case - there are 2 perspectives. As a reader - it really depends on the topic. If I'm interested it can be over 2k words. If I just want to extract useful information, I prefer shorter posts. However, recently I started writing some short texts and I'm still not sure how long each article should be. Great topic, cheers!