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  • What is the coolest ChatGPT application for your startup?

    Iuliia Shnai
    13 replies
    I saw many prompts and ChatGPt applications, but still quite a basic one. What is the coolest one you saw or used to grow your business?


    hafid Ahlaqach
    I mainly use it for copy writing
    Ordinary People Prompts
    Ordinary People Prompts
    Forming a whole service around prompts :)
    Iuliia Shnai
    @wherelambo What type of service it is and how ti works?
    Ordinary People Prompts
    Ordinary People Prompts
    @iuliia_shnai I created a free and inclusive directory for people to source and share their prompts - it's called ordinarypeopleprompts.com :) We went for #4 product of the day yesterday.
    Arnob Mukherjee
    We just launched a Feedback widget, that uses GPT-3 to analyse User Feedback 🙏
    Mats Forss
    Iuliia Shnai
    @matspeter_forss Community for sharing prompts? What is the benefit?
    Rohit Maheswaran
    Get all the ecommerce marketing content you need to launch your store generated in 24 hours - www.ecommerceprompts.com. Join our waitlist to get notified!
    Amogh Balikai
    The one that I am building :D But would love to know what do you expect from a product like chatGPT