What is the biggest buying motivation for you?

Vertika Nigam
12 replies
Strictly in terms of business, when you realize you need to buy something - a SaaS product, some kind of subscription, a one-time service, or get a company on a retainer for something, and so on... What is the biggest push you feel that makes you go buy it finally? Could be more than one.


Whether it has solved one of my problems and there is no better alternative product. Of course, the price is also a necessary consideration.
@zenda1122 How would you know if a product or a service is good, with not better alternatives, without using it first or working with them first?
@vertikanigam The first step is definitely to try it out, see if it can solve the problems I'm facing, compare the features and prices of competing products before making a choice
@zenda1122 I see. Trying out the product makes total sense before making the big decision. For products, it’s a perfect way to go. Mostly for services, trials are not there. But yes, there may be some kind of pilot runs available. Would you do that if you ever wanted to try a service?
Dan O'Malley
If it will save me time, make my life easier, or save me money in the long run, I'll usually purchase it. In short, if there is a solid ROI.
@dan_o_malley Right, ROI is important, whether it happens in terms of revenue generation, or saving you resources. How do you make sure of the ROI before using the product or service?
@dan_o_malley Easy access to a free trial or a free-forever version is a good start to get the customer to experience your solution. Point made!
Ksenia Meshkova
Good point, Vertika! If the app has really comfortable functionality and I have been solving my problem with it for a long time for free, and I know that it is a really high-quality application, then I am willing to pay for it once I'm hooked.
@kksrm Right, for apps, having a useful free version is great for getting people to buy the premium. How do you approach while buying any business service for any department?
Ksenia Meshkova
@vertikanigam I think word of mouth is the best motivation for me to pay for a product. I also can check out reviews on YouTube and compare with similar products. Overall, I'm a tough customer—I have a hard time deciding to make purchases. Or I prefer services with trials instead of others.
@kksrm Word of mouth. Very true. That impacts a lot of buying decisions. And I believe, customers are mostly tough. Until you make them understand what your solution can do for them, and not just what it is.