What is the best tip you can give for a newbie here in Product Hunt?

Jao Japitana
23 replies


Jao Japitana
Just want to send my gratitude for constantly interacting with me guys!
Try to connect with other fellow creators.
Jao Japitana
@ruhi_singh__ @dariana_glava yes, love interacting with everyone here. Everybody is so accommodating! And sure, drop your link here :-)
Dariana Glava
Thank you Ruhi!!! doesn't let me attach the link to the product - can you check in my profile or AuthorGPt in the search!
Dariana Glava
@ruhi_singh__ @jao_japitana it's true!!! doesn't let me attach the link to the product - can you check in my profile or AuthorGPt in the search! What's your product btw?
Jao Japitana
@ruhi_singh__ @dariana_glava Thanks for asking. I will check out your product. :-) Mine is SYLLABY. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
- Connect with as many makers as you can - DO NOT be transactional: try to get yourself interested into other people's product and give them feedback - Be active - Study the PH guidelines about launching... it helped me a lot a few weeks ago when I joined this community
Jao Japitana
@gabriele_mazzola Thank you for the awesome tips! I totally agree that connecting and interacting is the key. Will keep this in mind. I honestly love how everyone interacts with each other regardless of everyone having their own products to launch. It really is a giving community. ❀️
Igor Lysenko
Communicate more often and maintain communication with product creators. They have a lot of experience.
Jao Japitana
@ixord Thank you for the response! Got it, product creators. So far, everyone seems to be so accommodating πŸ’•
Elena Tsemirava
Be active every single day.
Jao Japitana
@elenat Thank you! I honestly enjoy interacting with the community here as everyone seems so welcoming. And you get to have more responses and learn more along the way. 😁
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Decide what your goal for PH is. And act based on the goal.
Jao Japitana
Keep them coming my friends. What more can you share? πŸ™Œ
Shunsuke Sakata
Think about the comment when you see the products.
Jao Japitana
@shun_skt_93 Thank you for the tip. This is a new one. What should I consider or watch out for with regard to comments please?
Shunsuke Sakata
@jao_japitana For example, who is the competitor and what makes this product superior to other services. i think that makes product hunt much more interesting.
Jao Japitana
@shun_skt_93 Nice! Thanks for sharing. πŸ™Insights like this make things easier and more fun especially when you are a newbie.
Jao Japitana
@ruhi_singh__ @dariana_glava @gabriele_mazzola @ixord @elenat @dzts @shun_skt_93 Thank you for taking part in my thread. May I ask for a little more love by requesting you to upvote our product and sharing it to your friends. We launched today and we are #3, hoping to reach #1. https://www.producthunt.com/post... Much love guys!