What is the best thing lockdown gave you?

Tvisha raji
19 replies


The drive to work on projects 😁
Tvisha raji
@maxwellcdavis and honestly the time too weirdly!!!
Graeme O’Connor
More time to spend on side-projects and learning
Tvisha raji
@iamgoconnor Oh this I completely relate to!
Manoj Ranaweera
I came up with https://skilledup.life - free talent for tech startups
Manoj Ranaweera
@tvisha_raji We are trying to fix the problem How do you get a job when you have no experience and the employer is asking for experienced candidates?
Tvisha raji
@manojranaweera Honestly this was a problem I came across at the beginning of my second year for internships. I somehow did end up landing one. But I think it is quite important to have enough projects skills if you wish to stand out!
Manoj Ranaweera
@tvisha_raji We are building https://skilledup.life for adult life - 18 yrs until you die. You can dip and dip out whenever you need to gain new Experiences, or simply to hang out with a new chaotic startup, especially after you retire.
Paul Schellekens
More efficiency in my work, more capacity to work on multiple projects and a stronger connection with my close ones!
Tvisha raji
@paul_schellekens It did amplify my efficiency honestly!
The willingness to work on projects that make sense and that can bring me both personally and professionally.
Tvisha raji
@enola_vedovotto :) I am glad you could manage to do that !! I can relate to this
@tvisha_raji thank you, hope that the same for you !
Elena Cirera
Work from home and flexible working hours.
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