What is the best part about building a product?

Yasharth Mishra
4 replies


For me personally, it's about being creative and making it as accessible as possible! How about you Yasharth?
Yasharth Mishra
@felix_digistash Thanks for your input Felix. As a maker, I love the GTM phase: the excitement of bringing something new to the world, the agile mindset and finding new opportunities
Saras Rock
For me, the best part about building a product is definitely the learning curve. There's something about tackling a problem you've never encountered before and persevering until you solve it that drives up your dopamine level and keeps you coming back for more. Also, as cliché as it might sound, I really do love what I do and building products is the perfect way to flex my creative muscles while also making something that has the potential to be really useful or even life-changing for someone else. I would say you are one product launch away from making a huge impact in yours and others life - this excites me!
Yasharth Mishra
@sarasrock I totally agree with this. The learning curve is huge. Also, I love how building a product and marketing it can humble you. From finding the "next big idea" to testing your hypothesis vs being open enough to pivot when the market demands it.