What is the best advice you received?

Anil Matcha
28 replies


Maria Stephanie
One thing that stuck to me was 'no one is irreplaceable in business'.
Navita Pareek
Hey @matcha_anil I am glad that you started this discussion. As the world is full of distractions, the best advice I believe I got was to stay away from all the useless distractions and just focus on what I want to achieve. It helped me in learning and improving myself every single day. Also helped me in narrowing out what is the purpose of my life and made me a healthier, happier, and more peaceful person.
I don't think there could be the best advice at all. Different people may advise really great things but you never know what would be the best of it. One of the greatest things I`ve ever been advised is to trust in people's kindness.
Hassan Munj
don't micromanage tasks while you are running a business. learn to delegate. and this changed my life
Eloi Pattaro
Start therapy and a daily exercises routine. Its amazing what an impact your mental/physical health will have in your work performance.
Netanel Benami
Well, it was something like: "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will". It's been my main motivation generator for years now.
Oleg Remnev
Be friends with great people, they always give good advice. But one of the most notable is "Two is One and One is None". It’s not just a catchy phrase either- it is an excellent mantra to live by when the stakes are high. It is a quick phrase that embodies the importance of redundancy in planning, preparing, and capability.
Satyanarayan Prashar
Don't Force yourself. Be natural
Bojan Gulevski
Get inspired by people who have achieved your goal.
Henry Richmond
Trust in your instincts, they've got you this far. Everyone has a view on everything, following committee style will just blur your vision.
Fernando Doglio
In my case it was "leave your problems at the door". The guy who said it was a total a***ole, BUT, he was right. Personal problems and work should not mix. If they do, your performance will drop, and your job will be affected. Instead, it's useful to compartmentalize, while at work (or while working) focus on work-related problems, and once you're off the clock, get back to your personal ones.
Quantity beats Quality!
Vanessa Williams
Stay on your path no matter what.
Maybe there are no advices) I think that in fact some random speech can find a response in our thoughts and force us to make a decision.
Luke Emery
Never sell 100% of a business
There are so many. And here are some of them: 1) Do good. 2) Time is your greatest friend and worst enemy. 3) Everything in life is a trade-off. So choose your trade wisely.
Never bring a problem to the table without proposing a solution, even if the solution is wrong. It turns a destructive conversation into a constructive one.
Anna Jack
I think I haven't received any best advice yet