What is more important to succeed, speed or direction?

Ankur Singh
36 replies


Eduard Metzger
That's like asking "What's more important to succeed, product or marketing?". The answer is both is important.
That's it, plus good timing, right timing.
Ankur Singh
@pavithran_chidambaram Ya both are important but if can choose one what would it be?
Jay Phelps
Having a clear direction is the most important thing. It keeps time and money from being wasted. You can always try again and get faster in the future.
Aida Zu
@jayphelpsme that's the approach I always stand for! Easier to fix things, when you have a solid navigation of what you're actually building and why.
Thomas Boulesteix
Agility and resilience! It is key to adapt and pivot
Hugo DEVEZE πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
Speed is useless if you don't get direction. With direction, you can go fast or slow depending on periods, but you know where you're going and so you never stop.
Soumen Majumdar
Direction!! ... any day, any where, any time
Nuno Reis
@singh_ankur I think direction. If you know where you are going, most markets are big enough that even if you move slowly you can get a small piece of it. It is just a different path, but I've seen many successful companies be built slowly over time. Maybe not that good for the VC game. But they did have a clear path they were following, and they followed it well :)
Balkrishna Karma
For me, At an early stage, speed so that you can try and explore various things, and can find a good direction. once you have it, it's the direction it matters.
Shaur ul Asar
In my opinion, both speed and direction are important for success, but direction is ultimately more crucial. Moving quickly without a clear direction can lead to wasted time, resources, and missed opportunities.
Steven Birchall
Direction. No point being fast if you're going in the wrong direction.
Konok Nazmul
Direction and patience I believe.
Hi Ankur. In my opinion, identifying the correct course of action holds greater significance than speed. Once you have established that you are moving in the right direction, you can increase your pace at any time.
Both speed and direction are important factors when it comes to succeeding, but having the right direction is ultimately more crucial. Without a clear understanding of where you want to go and what you want to achieve, moving quickly in any direction can be counterproductive and even harmful. On the other hand, having the right direction and taking the time to plan and execute a well-thought-out strategy can lead to long-term success, even if progress may be slower initially. While speed can be important to capitalize on opportunities and stay ahead of the competition, it should never come at the expense of direction and purpose.
Edward Cain
I think direction is just a tad more crucial. Having a solid vision really helps you make smart choices and switch things up if you have to.
@cain_edw Completely agree! Having a clear vision sets the path for success and allows for flexibility in decision-making!
Ayush Agrawal
I believe it completely depends on what stage you are at. When its 0>1, nothing matters other than the speed because you'll never be sure about the direction. When it's 1>10, a healthy balance of direction and speed is important. when its' 1-100, it always boils down to direction.