What is keeping you from changing the things YOU’d like to change about your product?

Stepan Cherkasov
11 replies
What golden nugget was left on the cutting room floor after user testing 🥲


Hossein Yazdi
I want to add many new features, but since I don't have sufficient users for the new features to get utilized, I resist developing them.
@hosseinyazdi slow and steady wins the race, hopefully with time everything will be developed
Probably the customer feedback. But i try to balance customer feedback and demands with my own vision for the product.
An essential golden nugget that emerged after user testing is the need for a more intuitive and streamlined onboarding process. =)
Gina Mae Lee
I strive to make improvements, but limitations in resources, technical challenges, and lack of demand can make it difficult. We are always open to feedback and suggestions from users and aim to provide the best possible experience.
@ginamae_06 hopefully with time and eventual resources, all teh improvements will come
Richard Gao
Unfortunately, we just don't have enough time in our busy schedule to makes crucial changes for evoke-app.com
@richard_gao2 then i guess prioritisation is the key
Customers success now comes first, then prioritizing the future dev roadmap to keep that success going.
@stephen_smith67 definitly, once you see a positive reaction form the customers, then you have to keep that as a priiority