What insights have you gained from product hunt this month?

Chantal Cho
3 replies
I havent really had a chance to come to this website often this month and all your insights and tips you have learned from this website will definitely help me to make me check out product hunt more often in Nov! :)


Anastasiia K
People actually read what you write here. On the contrary to some other community platforms and social medias, people here actually like to share and to absorb the information. So by being active a lot can be achieved on PH.
Anastasiia K
@chantal_cho definitely, product hunt feels different and actually nice to be at. Thank you! Wishing the same ;)
Chantal Cho
@anastasiiahere thats true and i think thats why product hunt is different from any other platforms! good luck in nov as well anastassia! :)