What IDE do you use?

26 replies
What IDE do you prefer? I currently use IntelliJ Idea, have used VSCode and Atom in the past.


Savilia Lastero
I've used IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode, and Atom in the past, and currently, I find myself leaning towards IntelliJ IDEA. It really depends on the project and language I'm working with, but IntelliJ's robust features and smooth integration make it my go-to for now. What about you? Do you have a favorite?
Konrad S.
@savilia_lastero IntelliJ/PyCharm here also!
@savilia_lastero i always prefer intellij idea, it supports almost every other language and framework, and is freature rich. the only downsides are that i can't get rid of the java stuff, since I never write java Or kotlin, and sometimes it can act too smart which can be annoying, but overall it's a great IDE.
@konrad_sx do you only write python?
Konrad S.
@zignis No, the Pro version also supports JS, SQL, HTML, CSS. That's essentially what I need in addition to Android Studio (Kotlin)
@konrad_sx didn't knew that, I thought idea ultimate was the only thing that was interoperable with most of their language - specifics ides
Thomas Hallaran
Emacs! (joke) VSCode
@andreas_toddle I guess it's more of a no-code tool than an IDE (I might be wrong)
Andreas Møller
@zignis true, but NoCode tools are generally also integrated development environements 😁
Amanda Roberts
I've been using Atom for a while, but lately, I've been considering a switch.
@amandaroberts atom is great, I had to move on because it was discontinued
Markk Tong
I'm a big fan of VSCode for its versatility and the rich ecosystem of extensions. IntelliJ Idea is fantastic for Java though, really depends on the project's needs!
Konrad S.
@markk0217 Sure it depends. But from my experience I'd say that IntelliJ/PyCharm are excellent for Python and JavaScript also.
Vincent Xu
I'm a big fan of VSCode for its versatility and the massive library of extensions—it really helps streamline my workflow. IntelliJ Idea is fantastic for Java though, it feels like it was built with just that in mind!
@cen_xu yes, thats of the thing that concerns me that it is built on java, and requires quite a large amount of system resources to work properly
Konrad S.
@cen_xu I understand why one would prefer VSCode, but IntelliJ (and PyCharm) never disappointed me. I think for Python and Javascript they're also excellent.
Manuel Kehl
As someone who does primarily native iOS/watchOS/macOS/visionOS development in Swift and SwiftUI I spend most of my time in Xcode. For smaller scripts or lightweight web editing I usually use Sublime Text 🤓
I'm a big fan of VSCode for its versatility and the vast ecosystem of extensions, Coro. IntelliJ Idea is fantastic for Java and other JVM languages, though—its smart code completion is a lifesaver!
@felix_f_t i use idea for almost everything, rust, ts, and go. I have used vscode but I find idea more productive, I can do my tasks faster and the eap version even has some very good features. there's definitely a learning curve here and vscode works out for most of the tasks due to its simplicity and vast ecosystem of plugins
Leonard Knauß
I started with Eclipse and it felt like bliss when I switched to VSCode. Way easier to use and I love the huge selection of plugins.
My stack is Dart, RUST and Python - so there is no alternative :) only VSCode