What frustrates you more as a user: confusing navigation or slow load times?

Ceren Tuna
17 replies


Ilya Melnikov
Both options, but slow load is still more annoying
Chris Lindner
Slow load times absolutely.
Dennis Aronov
I would say slow load times are a more instant turn off from a site/app. However, if I can't figure out how to navigate a site, I will not be using it for long.
Solomon Bush
Confusing navigations for sure... I have dealt with load times slow before on deployments - you kinda get used to it. But an app/site that doesn't do cross-page-linking well is miserable to use lol.
Yuriy YA
Slow loading time of course! Sometimes it just pisses me off!
Elena Tsemirava
Confusing navigation, because. I believe fast loading times are a matter of course these days.
Daniel Burns
I'd have to say confusing navigation. That would hinder my way of working, as I'd have to constantly look for the way I need to go to as the next step. It gets irritating at some point.
Eddie Forson
Slow navigation can make the experience bad but I reckon bad navigation or unexpected behaviour for a particular flow in the app makes the experience jarring and leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Definitely, it's confusing navigation. I hate to puzzle over things that should work simply and quickly.
Steve Lou
Confusing navigation is the worst for me. Loading time is annoying sometimes but not finding what I need/want can be incredibly frustrating.
Adebayo Mustafa
Both to be honest. slow load time gets more point in how quickly I lose interest in the platform
Slow load times. If the product doesn't load, a user won't even experience the navigation, poor or otherwise, because they'll drop off. I certainly would.
Evgeniya Chernishyova
Both of them, to be honest. Especially, in case you need to get some important info
Hassan Ram Gaba
Confusing navigation